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回復 #1568 bourget 的帖子

no vip room la. i like to be simple.

feed woofy;s dog some sweet and salt hehe

回復 #1570 woofy 的帖子

what happen if i dog eat salt.

回復 #1572 woofy 的帖子

speak to them msn, they are all waiting for a good chance....no way...wait la.

回復 #1574 bourget 的帖子

dog eat salt will. 生G     

回復 #1578 woofy 的帖子

someone is push la, no need to buy give people some chance la......wait la       san g dog

回復 #1576 bourget 的帖子

wah!!! dog eat cat? u have to be careful too bourget!!!!!!!hello kitty

i got some for christmas la, got 10 box. nice choc have a look1

回復 #1584 bourget 的帖子

theses are made by world champion wor..... i am throw u one to taste now..catch

回復 #1587 bourget 的帖子

haha made in usa...haha what car u drive then......easily not a ford some something made in usa now adays

woofy lei?? diving water? or tail too hurt now.........or she try to feed her dog some salt haha to prove i am wrong?

回復 #1589 田木山一 的帖子

回復 #1592 bourget 的帖子

do u need to train a dog to bite people, that is eomthing new i hear......:onion18:
okay is ur car american made then? u said u support usa made wor.....i bet ur car is japanese toyota or somthing
welcome !!why not join 爱与诚王国

回復 #1596 bourget 的帖子

haha japanese la.....so what.....still japanese car......they put the parts together jar ma hahahahahahahahah.........support usa wor.........:onion18: :onion18:

回復 #1598 bourget 的帖子

cher..i know u got a lot......use money to buy people's heart
we talk heart or gold!!!!!!

and if u want to kill me pls book an appointment day time i am too busy hehe:014:

回復 #1602 bourget 的帖子

華詰汽車 to heavey for u haha........heavy cars.......haha.....

woofy eat sweden chocolate no usa choco lala......bourget u half lose now haha