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today i already issue extra 330000 shares please do not say u cannot eat banana la..........
經營者持股比率           52.90 % and total share 1100000 what can i do?:onion14:

回復 #1948 woofy 的帖子

i did it wor that is why there are 330000 shares out today!!!!!! gone now.....

SPORTS game cannot win u that much money! most player win so far is 60000000 tvb jar

回復 #1952 woofy 的帖子

wah!!!!!all money will 100% kill no thanks.......:onion31:
i use share to boost i can get nearly 100% easy

回復 #1956 bourget 的帖子

why they both got banned????? strange....

回復 #1959 bourget 的帖子

i am not asking u or anyone i just feel strange may be u know a bit.........
don;t know why today i got brain damage or something feeling a bit sad......:onion03:

回復 #1963 leo_04236 的帖子

leo i saw what happens yesterday, so charm.......i did not even give any reply!!!!! u ok now?

回復 #1965 leo_04236 的帖子

next time let sit downa nd have a cup od tea ...dead or alive not anyone's problem......anyway i drop this tropic, no good keep on talking about that....
when will u pull haha this is more important!!!!!

回復 #1967 leo_04236 的帖子

we don;t talk about 102 anymore that is a plain in the ass......71 la of course.....

回復 #1969 leo_04236 的帖子

no idea i went to sleep when arguement start......no eye see......:onion31:
now is really expensive u really need to control a bit, otherwise cannot earn people good money la.....

回復 #1971 leo_04236 的帖子

wai psuh 200 doallar share wah!!!!!!!!!!! i better wait for the others but i will certainly help........i am waiting for a chance to buy a company....that freeman company is that avabile?

回復 #1973 woofy 的帖子


回復 #1975 woofy 的帖子

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