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回復 #2821 bourget 的帖子

i was thinking after christmas will not be busy BUT i am really wrong..........cup noodles sea food ?

回復 #2823 bourget 的帖子

i bought some 韓國 HOT noodles, that famous brand........make me super fire!!!!!!

回復 #2825 bourget 的帖子

韓國辛麵 yeah! super fire hot!!!!!!! normally when i want to wake up late at night i will have a cup haha, anyway late here now i sleep..... tomorrow another mad day comming, i still cannot believe after chrismas more crazy!!!!!
我又想要一百萬  我好貧窮

回復 #2892 woofy 的帖子

meme poor, u are 富婆 give me money please!
haha woofy ur reply in the sticker post make me laugh!!!!!!!

回復 #2895 woofy 的帖子

you come and join us then will be same lor hor hor

回復 #2897 woofy 的帖子

鼓勵我啦 我唔係成日 post

回復 #2899 woofy 的帖子

so which singer do u like, i stick it there la1

回復 #2899 woofy 的帖子

你 答覆 好c  wor.........complain me more then anothying ar.
give some support la

回復 #2902 woofy 的帖子

hehehehehehehe        what? means u are guilty!!!!!!!! haha bourget is not here she cannot save u now haha!!!!!!!!      what punishment u would like?

回復 #2904 woofy 的帖子

honest ur head.......panda is also a bear and u post it out is not....korean star is also star and u compain.....that girl is a star and u say u don;t know who?????? did u type any thing say support felix etc lei.....??? u got to be punish....say what punish u want?

回復 #2906 woofy 的帖子

why not u give me some lei......u super rich!!!!! a few billion will do me fine la......ur cash more then my saving ar...

回復 #2908 bourget 的帖子

woofy is getting her punishment nowhaha!!!!!! she is hiding now

回復 #2912 woofy 的帖子

he is not monkey boy ......he is called ham sub boy