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回復 #3584 woofy 的帖子


回復 #3586 woofy 的帖子

i don;t know wor, u may come and find me.......haha i get u a meal la.

回復 #3589 woofy 的帖子

wah!!!! 我好好人傢

回復 #3593 woofy 的帖子


回復 #3596 Geai 的帖子

香蕉real healthy yeah!!!!!!! how ar u

回復 #3597 woofy 的帖子

死啦 我依家甘驚 你仲係都數我  她知道我係邊個麻死!!!!!:onion03:

回復 #3601 Geai 的帖子

woofy no good ar, she is very rude person.......careful la, she may give u lots of xzy ga....later she will get ban from talking la haha

回復 #3603 woofy 的帖子

語無倫次?????? me so kind, good and live and care person.

回復 #3607 woofy 的帖子

you told me last time wor.............u said keep secret and don;t tell anyone wor.

回復 #3609 woofy 的帖子

u said wor......haha never mind la.......i know u know hehe....no need to say it out haha..........make u shy hehe.....

回復 #3611 woofy 的帖子

no need to pretent la....we both 'heart bright ' la......u go dinner i go sleep friday come here early la.

回復 #3613 bourget 的帖子

nono heart bright means she know what i mean, no need to say ar.

回復 #3614 Geai 的帖子

stock market is no fun now, admin change the max amount last minute again.....so unfair. i not play now
i think we better play some online games........together type!

回復 #3621 Geai 的帖子

same if u own a company is easy, but last version is better fun, u will see money go up, not sometimes u lose all ur money