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原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-4 07:24 AM 發表

由個 forum 變 膠 forum ....


回復 #5581 viento 的帖子

if you win some games like stock market you will get points and money
sometimes u post good thing u will get add points too!:onion05:

回復 #5583 viento 的帖子

some stay for long some stay short time, that is why there is a vip system.

But i do not think this vip system is good enough.
原帖由 viento 於 2008-2-4 07:54 AM 發表
haha~~when do u apply vip ar?
vip does not interest me wor.........
they try to make more function in vip , it is useful but they all missed out one realy thing!!!! they did not do it.
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-4 08:13 AM 發表


All new people give up to post man @@

Hard to account up ...:019:
yes almost impossible la.........play until 60 years old?
that is why people post enough and apply for vip.
i want to apply for stock moderator but need geese to play , also woofy and bourget.
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-4 08:34 AM 發表

stock market??
I'm not interested anymore... too much effort and time to put into it.
And there's too much argument too!
You can get other people to play and your family members.
hor hor.........u and bourget is queens.....of complain, with u two stock market will miss out something haha
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-4 08:42 AM 發表

We only complain when things aren't right!! :024:
kicks you*
too much complain will turn to annoying!!!!
the first time i talk to you or reply post is becasue u were complainning something
原帖由 viento 於 2008-2-4 08:54 AM 發表

woofy~~don't care about what he say~~he only wants to make u mad......:onion14:
no wor, i am saying the true fact!!!! no making someone mad

回復 #5611 viento 的帖子

我驚佢知道我仲 remember 佢感動都哭
原帖由 夜雨馨 於 2008-2-5 12:11 AM 發表
:onion14: 支持各位天使

回復 #5706 woofy 的帖子

原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-6 07:53 AM 發表

原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-6 07:58 AM 發表

係今日先係囉...  做乜收埋把刀?
唔係蛙     我日日都甘好傢啦   不過今天更加好 :onion05: