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[討論] 費查不出 曼聯堪憂

接連兩戰失利﹐都是中場欠缺有效攔截﹐ 策動快速反擊﹐ 令一眾攻擊球員的速度無從發揮﹐ 朴智星再勇﹐ 體力也難以應付連場力拼﹐ 餘下的史高斯安達臣卡域克更不用
多談﹐ 倘若費查再不復出﹐ 恐怕未來餘下的賽事都不容樂觀......
1. We all have almost respect for SAF, but that doesn't mean that he's ALWAYS right;

2. I think SAF would love to play Fletcher if he is available, but the problem is that he's got some virus and still out.