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回復 #213 nesta0013 的帖子

u ate b4 ma???
sure nice la hehe :P

回復 #220 nesta0013 的帖子

ur hometown there got onot???
if dun have next time come to kl eat ^_^

回復 #223 yang5301 的帖子

oklo...sure no problem...
i think the day when u come back i started to work..
still can afford ^^
hehe okla
wait for d day coming ya ^_^
i go to eat now lo...:onion05:
i come back lo...:onion05:
haha when u wake up continue chat lo :P

回復 #241 zacwoon 的帖子


回復 #242 felixng2007 的帖子

where r u going o...
i m here la hehe

回復 #243 boy12 的帖子

where u live???
i go to eat 麻辣板面啦。。^_^

回復 #245 felixng2007 的帖子

i support wat felixing2007 said arr...haha
zacwoon, they r not kao me...just chatting = =

回復 #250 felixng2007 的帖子

u live uk..same with yang rite??
hehe....juz finish my dinner ^_^

回復 #276 yang5301 的帖子

got arr...wonder y u din online juz now..haha

回復 #278 yang5301 的帖子

ohh icic...
wat time u work o???
haha..2day i dream a lot...but forgot wat i dream oledi..
dun worry i still remember u ^_^ hehe

回復 #281 yang5301 的帖子

wah....13.5 hours...omg
then u have to take good rest lo...aiyoyo