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wah wah i don;t go yet
i want to know how old are bourget and woofy first

回復 #414 visitor 的帖子

i spy u first when u have ur shower visitor!!
so how old is woofy and bourget ar hahahahaha............ see u two are yuka;'s younger or older sister?????????hehe
i think visitor is old!!!!!!!!! ask him how old he is!!!!!!!
bourget must be 40 years old and woofy must be same as well hehe

回復 #430 yuka13 的帖子

shyboy is only a shadow you don;t need to know just buy my stock when stock market opens.
i was thinking woofy is 101...............and visitor is about 30++++++++++++++++++++
姐姐姐姐姐姐姐姐 where ar u????

i am a bad person hehe............so bad:014:
yes bourget my glost girld friend i want to die...........i am bad person so wat hehe

回復 #443 luxury 的帖子

felix is a nice person.......too good to say all!!!!!!

回復 #447 bourget 的帖子

cher!!!!! i think u have got chance older then i am......if not u looks olde then i am hehe

回復 #449 visitor 的帖子

only vivitos will bully!!!!!

回復 #452 woofy 的帖子

wah#~!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think felix is a VERY NICE and GOOD person.......... we should all know this ages ago haha!!!!!!

回復 #457 bourget 的帖子

felix is nice i velieve..he is good, so i ond;t believe what visitoe said!