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well.... here is what I think...

C7 and Messi is about the same class player, but there is couple things that we need to concern before making the move

1.  Does Messi physical enough to play EPL?  He has great skill, but the history told us, there is numbers of players that has great skill and can't stand for EPL physicality.
2.  Does Messi will bring MORE chemistry to MU?  that's right, is MORE, if it will be the same, I don't see why we should swap...

based on the above 2 concerns, I will not swap C7 for Messi, or I don't think Barca should take C7 either because of the same reason, will C7 bring more chemistry to Barca?  Specially both players are key player for their team, making a switch like this could take months to settle the player.