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原帖由 h2o 於 2009-2-17 01:59 AM 發表

Nice Jacket..~
Water Brother..

原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-17 04:06 PM 發表
Hi, fly, how's your work today?
I'm just a little bit busy during this week...~
How're you doing..~?  Manyiu..?

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-2-18 10:35 AM 發表

fly brother, thanks for your compliment
Yeah..~!! You're the best..~!!!

原帖由 qqbubu 於 2009-2-18 04:03 PM 發表
boy boy where r u already long time din c u 浦头
boy boy will be back very soon.., don't worry..~!

原帖由 howgeemun 於 2009-2-19 11:43 AM 發表
I'm here...~!

I'm here for you...~

打掃~! 打掃~! 打掃~!

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-2-21 01:23 AM 發表
help boyboy to push
(don't forget to pay me once u are back la... )
Agreed..~  We're all waiting for our big prize...

原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-21 02:17 PM 發表
Hi, fly, 水水 & mickey, we are the owners in this house if Boy Boy don't come back!
That's very true..~~!!!

anybody here..., it's so dead and quite..~???

原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-2-23 05:07 PM 發表

I am here ar! 我而家坐係度剝瓜子等 Boy Boy 番黎出糧!
我而家係度好瘋狂咁挖鼻屎..., 挖到爆光為止...!  係Boy Boy 番黎之前永不罷休~!

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-2-24 02:09 AM 發表
boyboy i'm helping your to clean your house
boyboy I'm helping you to date the girls out..~



原帖由 DOBI 於 2009-2-24 08:25 PM 發表


It snowed yesterday..~~~
It's so cold out there...~
