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Where is Danny...~~!!  Is he hidding...??

Come back here...~~  We're all missing you...

原帖由 boy12 於 2009-1-15 02:33 PM 發表

Seems like u've been around for a while in this forum  woo, how come haven't seen u in here b4 ?
Coz I didn't realize anyone here..., maybe this is the reason why I prefer not to talk much..~~!!!

回應 boy12 第 5900 篇文章

Great...~~!!  It sounds so great..~!!!
I'm looking forward on my big prize..~!
Here comes with a big thankx...~!!!

原帖由 boy12 於 2009-1-15 02:44 PM 發表

He is always around looking for girls ga !!
Really...~?  Any Chicks around..~~

I'm getting excited.., hahaha~

原帖由 boy12 於 2009-1-15 03:12 PM 發表

I guess they all sleeping right now !!  
Too bad.~~

This is pathetic...

Boyboy, have you ever dated any chicks out..??  I'm learning from you...

原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-1-15 07:43 PM 發表
Boy Boy, after getting points, I become a poor, so I am looking forward to hitting your "golden stair"
I think everyone is way richer than me here...~~

Manyu~  Do you has any hint or idea for earning $$$ rapidly

原帖由 boy12 於 2009-1-15 04:19 PM 發表

huh huh... That is a little secretl !  I guess that would be by luck only !!
It seems like you're ultimately hidding the truth behind this little secret...~~

It costs 20% of your effort.., another 50% costs on your ability... and the rest of 30% costs by LUCK~

What a humble dude...~~?  Share your secret with us..

原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-1-15 09:10 PM 發表

I was busy at that time la.....so no chance to reply
Yea..~~  You're the most significant character in here....~


Everyone has gone to bed already....~

原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 2009-1-16 02:40 AM 發表
Welcome welcome...~~

Hopefully..., it's not too late...~~
How's everyone here...???  

原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-1-16 09:31 PM 發表

very tire from one week of work
finally friday
Yea..~~  Tomorrow is my day off...~~
Is time for us to say "Yeahhhh...!!!"

唔得...~~~ 好似今日做少左一樣野............

果然型爆..~!!  YEAH..~!!!

原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-1-16 10:40 PM 發表

I will be off 3 days
What a lucky man...~~!  Jealous..
