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原帖由 boy12 於 2009-1-19 09:34 PM 發表

Check for what sin ?
Of course, Check for any new chicks arrivals la...~~

原帖由 boy12 於 2009-1-19 09:37 PM 發表

If it is that useful, maybe I should keep it and see how useful it is la !!  
It is hard working $ ar !!  Have to join a lot of activities in the forum to get it ga !!
This is the reason why I am here for supporting you lor...

原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-1-19 10:48 PM 發表
boyboy....am I too late for the 金楼??
who win the 金楼 ar
Of course is the super handsome guy in here la..


原帖由 boy12 於 2009-1-20 03:05 PM 發表

handsome ma ?
Show me ur photo then !
I look at my picture every day..., my picture always appear on the Left hand side..

原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-1-21 12:35 PM 發表

share your prize $$ with me
Are you kidding...?  Getting $$$ from the beggar...~~

原帖由 boy12 於 2009-1-21 01:32 PM 發表

Hi boys, u are finally here !!
How many "BOYZ" in here...~!!

Of course boyboy is the most classic one here..., hahaha~!

原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-1-21 01:36 PM 發表

are you two related??
Hahaha.., this is funny...~~  What a big boyz family...~

原帖由 boy12 於 2009-1-21 01:33 PM 發表

I think the only one hasn't post is u !! u dare to say this ...
That's right..~!  That's right..~!!  
I'm not gonna post up my handsome picture before Mr. Blue POST(ED) it...~~!!!

It sounds so fair..~~!   Or.., you can individuallysend your pictures through our e-mail or MSN just in case of anyone views it..

Anyway..., I saw boy boy's pictures in facebook before.., hahahaha~~~

I was basically found out your e-mail address from your profile info.., and I was secretly searched out on the facebook...~~

It was so easy..., it just a piece of cake to me...~

I shouldn't be so honest like that....

原帖由 manyiu 於 2009-1-21 02:23 PM 發表
Good afternoon, Boy Boy, Blue Blue and Fly!
What a lovely greeding...

My name is now on your greeding list..., I feel like to cry so crazily....~~~!!!

Hi..~~!!  Manyiu..~~!!!  How is your day..~~???

原帖由 wongjj 於 2009-1-21 02:58 PM 發表
Of course..., I'm 100% made in Hong Kong...~!!

My name is Fly..~~!

And you are...?

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-1-21 03:08 PM 發表
hi my ff fan friend
Yo...~~~  Mr. Water..~!!

How are you doing..~~??

How was your exam..?

原帖由 h2o 於 2009-1-21 03:16 PM 發表

my exam was catastrophic
What a disaster feeling..., take it easy.., my friend.~

原帖由 boy12 於 2009-1-21 03:19 PM 發表

I'm not classic !!
I'm number 12 so what u think !!  
What do I think...~

Should I call you #12 instead of boyboy..?
