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summei0529 發表於 2009-6-24 00:26
房  @.@  
summei0529 發表於 2009-6-24 00:26
房  @.@  
ReeNY 發表於 2009-6-24 00:27
房  @.@  
how are you doing today??
did you work OT yesterday??
blueocean 發表於 2009-6-24 01:43
yo buddy     u know the way to here  
房  @.@  
hello everyone  
blueocean 發表於 2009-6-24 01:40
which team u manage  
房  @.@  
wah! so scary~~
summei0529 發表於 2009-6-24 01:49
why scare  
房  @.@  
summei0529 發表於 2009-6-24 01:51
i no go anyway , just play pet
房  @.@  
you took kisa away from me
so I need to find other girls la
blueocean 發表於 2009-6-24 01:53
wo  wrong place discuss ,
        by the way did u found your dream girl
房  @.@  
we just pick random NBA players and make a team
blueocean 發表於 2009-6-24 01:54
last season stock game no sell me a little your share
房  @.@  
I always got rejected
blueocean 發表於 2009-6-24 01:59
how about your son

                is he fine
房  @.@  
a very pretty girl who stole my heart for a long time
blueocean 發表於 2009-6-24 02:02
haha  she will kill you & me 2  
房  @.@  
you didn't ask me
blueocean 發表於 2009-6-24 02:02
i not enough $ to buy

   ask me from start ma  
房  @.@  
he's doing great
he's dating many girls now.....better than me
blueocean 發表於 2009-6-24 02:04
oh   bretty boy

        strong then you
房  @.@  
本帖最後由 hihihuhu 於 2009-6-24 02:12 AM 編輯
how pretty ah??? let me see her pic~~
summei0529 發表於 2009-6-24 02:07
房  @.@  
I don't have her photo....she doesn't let me keep it
blueocean 發表於 2009-6-24 02:10
房  @.@  