*柳飄飄* 當前離線
Because you haven't listen the book and haven't do the home work Fian. 發表於 12-6-2011 00:28
That's mean you have listened the book and done the home work but you forget 31 at August my counsin same day Birthday Fian. 發表於 12-6-2011 05:16
咁 now 熟 "NG" 熟 "AI" Fian. 發表於 12-6-2011 05:21
練仙 is for diet or save money 咁 call "Chung Chung" pay dinner for you la Fian. 發表於 12-6-2011 05:33
Was I waked you up sorry Fian. 發表於 12-6-2011 05:35
Always atand for a long time Are you ONE NIGHT STAND Fian. 發表於 12-6-2011 05:58
今日請假去做JOB,本身諗住睇完醫生無咩野,咁叫人揸電單車接我入屯門,點知1點幾就出事 坐車出中環個陣行屯門公路,條友架車失控撞左埋邊 因為之前做替身, 本能反應推開左車我出去個條粉皮:onion ... 四眼走粒仔 發表於 14-6-2011 23:31
When I back Hong Kong I go to China to have massage with you OK and have a nice dinner together but you need to wait for me for a long time ... Fian. 發表於 12-6-2011 06:02
So much PRESSURE Fian. 發表於 12-6-2011 11:50
佢緊係無事啦,輕傷 如果佢車第二個咪攬住一齊死囉,出院要佢比返醫藥費我啦 四眼走粒仔 發表於 15-6-2011 00:16