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原帖由 Geai 於 20/10/2008 16:45 發表

not day day sleep at 2  
it's 1:46am now lu bor
原帖由 cammy8080 於 20/10/2008 16:42 發表

4hrs... only....
原帖由 Geai 於 20/10/2008 16:45 發表

no la   15 more mins will sleep la  
i.e. 2am
原帖由 bbb1999 於 20/10/2008 16:46 發表

ok you call me when you up

try restart computer
restart jo...no use... ....i also try jo my laptops....also dun let me login msn...

it shows --> we could not sign u in windows live msg 'coz there is a problem with ur window live ID. Click OK to learn more about windows Live ID.

Error code: 80048831
原帖由 Geai 於 20/10/2008 16:48 發表

no la   u guys blow la

I go sleep la  
Good nite~~ G gor gor
原帖由 bbb1999 於 20/10/2008 16:49 發表

he want go to bed b4 2am 呱
原帖由 bbb1999 於 20/10/2008 16:51 發表

i think someone change jo my password...so i can't login....
原帖由 Geai 於 20/10/2008 16:52 發表

u were 1 hr late   wait u so long

G gor gor wait bbb
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 20/10/2008 16:54 發表
cammmy is the best gals at here
boss...i also v. sleepy la....
原帖由 bbb1999 於 20/10/2008 16:54 發表

duno ar.... .....i duno if i need to open a new acct....
原帖由 bbb1999 於 20/10/2008 16:56 發表

u wait me too ar
...i didn't......no msn...so blow water as usual....j
原帖由 chfong2 於 20/10/2008 16:59 發表
next one is #5000 ar
原帖由 bbb1999 於 20/10/2008 17:00 發表

i call help you ar
now ma??
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 20/10/2008 17:00 發表
ur computer mayb hack by others,ask ur big bro to help u la!he study it 1!
omg...he study that subject .....
原帖由 bbb1999 於 20/10/2008 17:02 發表

you call me