jnc3688 當前離線
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 01:58 PM 發表 i think they 射精 already last night~~
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 02:01 PM 發表 i have 4 in there~ 2 men 2 women~ the color is not the same~ i think one more fish is going to have egg too~
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 02:14 PM 發表 你懂珊瑚也会生蛋吗?
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 02:24 PM 發表 never seen it befor~ you have pic?
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 02:38 PM 發表 there always have dog and cat not many fish ar~ but i have lot of fish website so it's ok~
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 03:59 PM 發表 考完試回來 so fast know 考得好差?
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 04:03 PM 發表 is the same girl le gar~ good 5 good looking sin~
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 04:07 PM 發表 she 电死 me ar~
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 04:15 PM 發表 sorry lar~~she is not my gf~
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 04:20 PM 發表 she is just a fd of me............
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 05:56 PM 發表 you have lot of money~ you don't need my money la~
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 07:11 PM 發表 勇者之劍 is the higher lv of 王者之劍~~same use~~(is no use for you)
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2009-1-12 07:13 PM 發表 maybe you can sell it and make money~