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原帖由 qqbubu 於 2008-8-28 12:47 AM 發表

我而家至知到 QQ 咁好文釆呀! 可以 "殺死" 好多靚女嫁!
原帖由 h2o 於 2008-8-28 01:53 AM 發表

hi jj!呢排生意好嗎?
JJ 做什麼生意?
原帖由 qqbubu 於 2008-8-28 12:48 AM 發表
我唔係老板娘 都幫你看舖, no problem!
我幫你開番個店啦! 叫多D老友黎幫親你! 唔洗+love!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-9-3 02:36 AM 發表
why 结束营业??
I think there is many ppl in Canada in this forum ga !!
E, boy 叔叔, 稀客喎! 你住左新屋都番黎探我地!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-9-5 06:20 AM 發表

have to come back more, or the big guy is going to take off my vip !!
喔, i c!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-9-5 06:30 AM 發表

I can see tons of your reply too, u are so free too !!
I'm actually taking a break from work G ma !!
Haven't been in this section for a while and I think u are famous here !! :mylo ...
I know  boy12 叔叔 is famous in 新屋!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-9-5 06:50 AM 發表

Haha, we both taking  a break !
Y u ask ? u want to ask me out tongiht ?
By the way I don't know y everyone is following juju from the angel group to call me boy uncle !
Is any history that JuJu called you boyuncle?