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原帖由 joshlier 於 2008-9-29 02:52 PM 發表

still far wor...ehhe i saw miaomiao88 oledy..so leng lui one!!
呢個金樓係相片, 唔係 $$$?
原帖由 error403 於 2008-9-29 02:56 PM 發表

我諗係data centre 既問題,唔關server事,太多人同時入~~
Really? I did try others; those are so slow too!
原帖由 jclai 於 2008-9-29 03:03 PM 發表

放你個頭, 冇第二句啦咩?
原帖由 joshlier 於 2008-9-29 03:03 PM 發表

千金难买靓女相 ar!!!!
原帖由 error403 於 2008-9-29 03:09 PM 發表

yes...have been receiving complains and complaining for a
nearly a week already,
i think admin brother is working hard on it~~
Thank you very much for what you have done for us.
原帖由 error403 於 2008-9-29 03:14 PM 發表

i didn't do anything except blowing water
admin brother is the one really busy
We have to wait patiently!
原帖由 cck_my 於 2008-9-29 03:18 PM 發表

Strongly agree! So find somebody help him, he is really working hard and alone.
係囉, 做死一個人, 好像唔係好公平喎! 如果我係專業的電腦人才, 我好想出一分力呀!
原帖由 error403 於 2008-9-29 03:23 PM 發表

我就係渣到暈個隻呀! 唉!
原帖由 bmoon1977 於 2008-9-29 03:24 PM 發表
qq... 我们家族的游戏开始了..... http://www3.tvbnow.com/thread-465850-1-1.html
唔知玩估比賽快 or 長短跑道, 我唔在行囉!
原帖由 cck_my 於 2008-9-29 03:40 PM 發表

But people who not understand will think that i'm against them and against the whole teams of management! Hope they can understand me soon! But for me, i don't care any negative comments to ge ...
原帖由 rrliew 於 2008-9-30 08:06 AM 發表
好玩, 刺激呀! 哈!
原帖由 vwwo 於 2008-9-30 01:33 AM 發表

原帖由 miaomiao88 於 2008-9-30 11:38 AM 發表

miaomiao88, 做乜咁嬲要炮制 rr 呀?
原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 2008-9-30 11:43 AM 發表
金楼9888,金金金就是你188 888
Sweet, Sweet 幾日唔見你, 係 tvb 好慢?
原帖由 miaomiao88 於 2008-9-30 12:05 PM 發表

我有大悲咒, 不過冇 scanner, 手打又唔掂! 唔知D咩野 東東字樣 有心無力!