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sry ar *Mommy*.. don't get mad @ me la>< well i've been buys w/cheerleadin pratice lor><... wakin up @ 6AM everyday ar><
haha i'm workin on a 合唱 w/this one guy ar.... still rec. rite now... cus i have summer HW 2 do so... been kinda busy..n sku gonna start pretty soon la>< still not even done w/any of my HWs yet.... sigh.... i'm soo bad
yea... it's pretty hard work>< so do u get throw in the air or r u a baser ar???
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 12:00 AM 發表
i am sick, sleep a little first, 88 all
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:01 AM 發表

我地呢d fans等你首歌等左好耐嘛~~  :lol
mommy u should post songs 2 la... i'm pretty sure ur good @ singin la
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:03 AM 發表

個時差唔多係最高個d~  好難throw我啦~~ hahhaha
oicic... i wish i was tall ar..... but i'm short so i'm a flyer.... r u in NY or sumthin like that?
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:05 AM 發表

我呢d5音不全既~ 費事要人耳仔受罪啦~~   ;P
haha not true la..... i wish i can sing K over here ar>< no K places @ all ar.... hoo charm
i live in MN lor... haha bet u don't even no where it's @ in da states lol
yea.... not much Chinese live over here.... but quite a bit of Hmong n Koreans.... that's kinda werid....
MN has nuttin lol... wildlife lor.... moose n deer n forest.... haha... o yea... lake superior lol
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-8-23 12:14 AM 發表

a state of nth man....:L
gum where u live ar?
i really like CA... wish i can move thurr=.=
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:17 AM 發表

上個禮拜有2隻鹿行過添~~  hahhaa   :))
waaa but i thought u live in NY ga wor... do u live out in da country??
原帖由 泰利26 於 2006-8-23 12:18 AM 發表

hi~who ar u? 可以介紹下ma~~ o岩o岩游完水番上黎都唔知你乜水tim :P
i'm the new baby in this fam. ar^^ my name is Epie...... uuu???
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-8-23 12:19 AM 發表

now Im in SF next month will move to Sacramento
icic.... i've been 2 SF n LA... but i've never beem 2 Sacramento..... wut's in thurr ar gum???