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原帖由 泰利26 於 2006-8-23 12:21 AM 發表

你係傳說中潛左2日水ga 呀妹 =.="  我叫terry,係你呀哥~:D
oicic... hai ar... i didn't show up 4 2days la.... cus busy ar ma ah gor....
o sry mommy... 4got tim... sigh.. i have such a short term mem.>< can't imagin how bad i'm gonna be when i get older
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-8-23 12:26 AM 發表

my name is E  D D I E
haha i no la... i've chat w/u be4 la ah 爷
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:28 AM 發表

洗唔洗幫你improve your short term memories??   ;P
ho ar ho ar... u have ideas??? i really needa improve ar
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:29 AM 發表

佢d long term memories 仲衰過你d short term memories啦~~   ;P
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:31 AM 發表


wakakkaa~~  :))
mommy u play me><
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-8-23 12:30 AM 發表

:$ 你仲记得我。。:D
of course la^^ i'm a good granddaughter keke:D
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-8-23 12:33 AM 發表

wut kinda.... 21 "dim", chor dee, poker??? or Mah Jong keke
i'm sooo bad.. i don't even no how 2 play poker.. n it's soo popular....
haha... i like watchin soccer but i don' think i can 赌波 lolx... keke mommy i don't really no wut poker is either lol.... i'm just bad @ 赌... the only kind i no is mah jong lolxxx
my ex was a soccer player so that's also 1 of the reason y i like soccer keke
i no... do u alwazz play w/frds ga??? cus here.. i can just play w/my cousins jar... cus none of those stupid whites no how 2 play it....
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:44 AM 發表

我細細個緊dad 睇波~
keke... my ex n i still have a thing.. but idk y we still arnt gettin bk 2gether yet><
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:44 AM 發表

我細細個緊dad 睇波~
keke... my ex n i still have a thing.. but idk y we still arnt gettin bk 2gether yet><
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:47 AM 發表

why gei??   you guys still try to make it out??  so good la~~
idk ar... i mean we're still hangin out n things like that... but it seems like he doesn't wanna be in a relationship rite now>< sigh......