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原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-8-23 12:48 AM 發表
keke i no... that's y i like playiin it
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:51 AM 發表

sigh.... yea......guess have 2 give it sum time.... of course i wanna be bk w/him la.... but sumtimes i just question myself do i really like him... or i just want him 2 "sip kay"
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-8-23 12:53 AM 發表
creamy... 几时又去唱歌啊?
keke thxxxx sin ar 阿爷... i'm workin on a 合唱 song w/this guy rite now... so when we get done.. i'll post it on here ga la^^ well i got an eng. song done 2.. but dk is it good enough yet so....
mommy do u like 2 eat whip cream or ice-cream ga??? is that y ur name has "cream" in it???
o haha... becus i like 2 eat whip-cream n ice-cream... so that's how i got this web name lor... then i really like it so i never change it lor
原帖由 allornothing833 於 2006-8-23 12:59 AM 發表
waaa 1st time seein u here ar
o wow u already grad. la.... sigh.. i still have lotz of yrs of skuling><
i'm gonna go 2 da beach now.... get a nice tan... 88 every1
原帖由 allornothing833 於 2006-8-23 01:07 AM 發表

haha of cousre la^^ but i'm leavin now... so bibi
not quiet la... i'm here la
hihi^^ wut's up ar?
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-24 12:15 AM 發表

your dad and brothers just went to sleep
ayiaaa>< wut time is it @ ur place ar gum?
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-8-24 12:15 AM 發表

me and danewin tryin' to ask your dad for our benefit....
haha benefit??? like insurance n things like that lol???
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-8-24 12:17 AM 發表
hai.. creamy...^^
hihi ah 爺
haha.... daddy is sooo sneaky lolz...... but wow doing 2 jobs ar.... u give soo much 2 our fam.^^