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原帖由 星期日 於 2006-11-14 11:41 PM 發表。 

well i guess i just use alot of "on9 language" that's y u can't understand lor.... it's ok.. it's not u.. it's just me la
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-11-14 11:42 PM 發表。 
welcome.. ^^
u bet which side england vs holland?
i hope Eng. will win haha
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-11-14 11:43 PM 發表。 

he come from china.. i think he dun understand wat u say.. ^^
i wish i can type Chi. that'll be soo much easier......
原帖由 h2o 於 2006-11-14 11:44 PM 發表。 
creamy > tienes que dormir =_=
si si... yo se... pero necesito estudiar.....
原帖由 senyu222 於 2006-11-14 11:45 PM 發表。 

i m really happy ,u see ,u r my super idol ,and i m ur super fans ,how couldnt i be not happy!
it's soo nice 2 hear nice things ppl say 2 me lolx..... cus 2day was kinda stressful...><
原帖由 h2o 於 2006-11-14 11:46 PM 發表。 
一有個女仔係度 就好熱鬧:lol
that's true... usualyl when thurr's only like all girls... then when a guy cums in then it gets all heat up... lolx...
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-11-14 11:48 PM 發表。 

he know english, dunno cantonese(mayb wrong spelling) wahahaha...
y? u dunno how 2 type Chi???
no ga... idk how 2 type chi..... becus i can barely write chi. so it'll be x-tra hard 4 me 2 type it lol
原帖由 senyu222 於 2006-11-14 11:49 PM 發表。 

just relax urself ,i believe u can easily pass the test .it is a piece of cake for u .and keep a nice mood u will do better than what u v imagined
thxx 4 da advice... i'll keep that in mind 4 tmr keke^^
原帖由 星期日 於 2006-11-14 11:50 PM 發表。 

no needa worry rite? cus we're all good ppl in here... (hopefully) haha
don't feel bad abt it la..... my chi. ain't that good either so..... i can barely write....><
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-11-14 11:52 PM 發表。 

[-X 我都好唔掂ga..
do u usually speak canton. or malay ga?
原帖由 星期日 於 2006-11-14 11:53 PM 發表。 

i like those picpics that u put @ da end of ur phrases.. they're really cute
原帖由 星期日 於 2006-11-14 11:54 PM 發表。 
ho la>< tty tmr lor^_~
原帖由 senyu222 於 2006-11-14 11:56 PM 發表。 
who can tell me cantonese ?i m very interested
oo u speak mando.??? u can just learn easily if u just watch HK TVdramas haha.....
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-11-14 11:56 PM 發表。 

icic...... is thurr lotz of HKnese in malay ga?