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haha thanks 龍少! you should come here everyday ma~
summei0529 發表於 3/12/2009 07:26 AM
I everyday will come to forum de! I just feel lazy to blow water lo!
BluBlu start to tease beautiful girl liao lo!
your definition of "baby" is too wide....
summei0529 發表於 4/12/2009 07:15 AM
I think BluBlu should use "BluBlu baby"! Ha ha ha ha ha!
Passing By ~~~~~
you need to stay!
summei0529 發表於 12/12/2009 03:11 AM
Because of you, i will stay lo!  Ha ha ha ha ha!
hehehe... 乖啦~ what are you doing now ar? ^^
summei0529 發表於 12/12/2009 03:19 AM
Busy manage my cellphone theme zone lo!
Since all gone, I will go to lo!

Bye Bye!