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原帖由 泰利26 於 2006-8-23 12:21 AM 發表

你係傳說中潛左2日水ga 呀妹 =.="  我叫terry,係你呀哥~:D
傳說中???  only 2 days
原帖由 creamy 於 2006-8-23 12:20 AM 發表

icic.... i've been 2 SF n LA... but i've never beem 2 Sacramento..... wut's in thurr ar gum???
nth in there
wow... just back and ppl start leaving again
原帖由 HIDE 於 2006-8-23 01:28 AM 發表
返拉 ,,
who else is here beside us???
原帖由 HIDE 於 2006-8-23 01:43 AM 發表

唔知 ..
不過我呢邊好夜 LU :L
guess thats it....
no more ppl will be here until tomorrow<:-P
原帖由 HIDE 於 2006-8-23 02:06 AM 發表

訓晒教 :lol
Y U dont go to sleep like the other???
原帖由 HIDE 於 2006-8-23 02:16 AM 發表
我都教豬拉 ..
88 *
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 02:51 AM 發表
all went to sleep??
U there???
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 06:11 AM 發表
U felt all better already???
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 06:20 AM 發表
u don't need to work,
or u r student?
waitin' for school to start
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 06:24 AM 發表
icic, college?

and U??
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 06:28 AM 發表
i work la....what major r u?
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 06:36 AM 發表

wow, go lor, one of my best friend studied that.  He is my car's doctor...:lol
yeah... but the tools... cost arms and legs.....:'(
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 06:39 AM 發表

yup, it is very hard and dirty too
not really that hard... just have to know what went wrong and do U have the tools to fix it
and ofcoz tools = money
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 06:48 AM 發表

but it is very dirty, but you like car, so it is not hard for you right :lol
dirty... U got glove use it:L

[ 本帖最後由 danewin 於 2006-8-22 06:54 PM 編輯 ]