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hey boss
原帖由 dororo 於 2006-8-23 01:06 PM 發表

those I leave for U to drive...
gonna drive sth fun....
原帖由 dororo 於 2006-8-23 01:11 PM 發表

where are they???
原帖由 蛋~* 於 2006-8-23 01:13 PM 發表

我諗如果要接晒要用你架飛機先得喇 ;P
I can only drive semi.....
dont have plane licence yet...
原帖由 dororo 於 2006-8-23 01:16 PM 發表

after the 9/11 is hard to get plane licence :'(:'(
my toy is here...:lol
see U all later \:D/
only boss N Mr.danewin here??
原帖由 泰利26 於 2006-8-23 11:42 PM 發表
daddy here?
wow... U pop up all the sudden from no where...
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 11:43 PM 發表

Not going to sleep ma Boss,
boss wife not here cant sleep yet
hey boss wheres Mr danewin benefit???
since hes 保鏢+看更.... I think he shd hav one
hey boss... what happen to the 管家, 保母, and 女佣????
poor Mr.danewin  
he ignore your benefit request....
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 11:54 PM 發表

when we ask the benefit, he leaves.. :L
he show no love to us....:L
is it becoz we are worker so is different???:Q
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-8-23 11:58 PM 發表

I don't no la...
I think the point is we are not "Girls". ;P
then I think he shd hire more "Gils";P
and beside we need more ppl
原帖由 泰利26 於 2006-8-23 11:59 PM 發表

good night~886
gd nite