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劉德華 I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye

A) I don't wanna say goodbye
我不要轉身走向後台 欠缺了你以後怎過
I don't wanna say goodbye
我知道光陰轉眼就過 我愛你你是最清楚

B) 天生愛慕唱歌 直至看到你要快離座
月冷星輝明知都會過 仍是要痛痛快快為你歌
今天繼續唱歌 獲到千億痴心誰人夠我多
不計結果 堅守真我 期望你看見我做了的功課

Repeat A 一起走過

Repeat B , A

C) I don't wanna say goodbye
這天你置身這四面台 我要與你拖著手過
I don't wanna say goodbye
唱出那心中牽掛是我 你每秒佔盡了心窩 一起走過

我說過 我講過 多麼瘋也都做過
能為你 如為我 如像春風吹不散烈火

A) I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye
這是我最珍愛的舞台 我又怎麼捨得離開
I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye
我知道光陰轉眼不再 你走了失去了精彩

B) 掌聲為我而拍 圍繞在我身邊就是愛
某年某月頭髮都變白 水銀燈一樣依舊為你開
掌聲給我的愛 陪我一起走過不同的年代
一次的愛 一生等待 仍然站在舞台 守候你回來

Repeat A 不想離開

Repeat B , A

C) I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye
我要用雙手抱你入懷 千萬不要覺得奇怪
I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye
此時此刻要與你同在 好時光為何那麼快 不想離開

為我癡 為我愛 為了我 相思成災
為你好 為你壞 為你什麼我都看不開

Repeat A , C
本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2011-2-24 08:09 PM 編輯

Poor guy 系唔系?
Good evening Roberton, Lilitan.
KB 早晨那。。。。
Huh?台湾 幾時start ga? 仲以为貼梗西安?
Good evening cafe pals
New Zealand disastrous earthquake facts.

http://resources3.news.com.au ...
orchids 發表於 2011-2-24 10:31 PM
Dear Orchid - maybe people should not build on earthquake belt anymore.  Its easy to say but hard to do, just like Taipei, Los Angeles, and other cities.
Good morning Cafe
It was snowing here last night. I need to clean up a little before go to work.
chowold2 發表於 2011-2-24 11:42 PM
Glad I moved out of snow belt long time ago.....I would have send you the snow blower if I know you then....
Lilitan - every night come home so late?
JackySan - Good Evening...
Hello - Mr.Nice.
k23bb 發表於 2011-2-25 08:08 AM
Roberton 早晨。。。。
tonite need to attend some farewell dinner....
An excuse to eat ......
now no time to find $$ in forum.....
Make real money better.
d 屋都幾化學  
km8000 發表於 2011-2-25 03:40 PM
Many old building is made of bricks....in those days.
Good Evening Good Morning Good Night Cafe.
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本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2011-2-25 06:55 PM 編輯

Part two of the 劉德華 Goodbye song....