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Famous Daddies
TV Dad


HooiGe Morning
All's Cool_Happy Father's Day_keep coooooooL...

good afternoon ckhooi
good afternoon henry, n gd9 henry...chiao...

In NY tipping is like a custom, tipping in rest, bars, n almost all that involved with private service business...n that including those handsome movers out there hahaha!
Hooi ge have a happy weekend
hooige, morning

a cup of fine n rare kopi kucing, freshly made, brewed, delivered to u house to start u morning
Mankind have love, animals have affection.
The harmonious and beautiful world is revealed.

friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things
hooige morning, did u received many presents n gifts in d office today? U got something u like ka?
friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things