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本帖最後由 主任 於 2009-7-11 04:14 AM 編輯
Keevin 發表於 2009-7-11 12:43 AM
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~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~
Keevin 發表於 2009-7-11 12:45 AM
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~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~
又唔好咁講, 我地爭多啲, miss 會開心啲嫁
Keevin 發表於 2009-7-11 12:55 AM
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~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~
You know the answer .

Keevin 發表於 2009-7-11 09:37 AM
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~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~
Good afternoon class and 主任
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-11 04:05 PM
Good afternoon Miss  & everybody
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~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~
Keevin 發表於 2009-7-11 04:57 PM
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~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~
today is my term to be the first one to say good morning class
good morning 主任 and Fian
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 07:01 AM
Good afternoon Kinglong
個 trip 仲有幾耐呀, 悶唔悶呢
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~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~
Good morning class and 主任
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-12 10:03 AM
Good afternoon Miss & everybody
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~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~
This trip will be 6 month at least,....... so hope to see you next time
when I was in HK
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 01:07 PM
嘩 ~~~ 6 個月..... 大 project 嚟架??
我無諗過出 trip 要出成 6 個月咁耐
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maybe even more,..... i dont know yet.
But I will found out on Monday, I might come back for 3 days only.
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 01:22 PM
要飛十幾個鐘喎, 有緊要事呀
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Because one of the company bought the software,
so we have to install it for them, train their people to use,
and make sure do the test before they roll out. ........
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 01:24 PM
IT 精英
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~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~
Keevin 發表於 2009-7-12 10:46 AM
我話係我, 你信唔信吖
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Because it is my job, only for trip. But if I was in HK, i dont need to work.
last time i was in HK for 6 weeks, but i dont have to go to work. Only go to
office 1 week before leaving. It is  prett ...
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 01:33 PM
睇嚟, 你都習慣咗呢種生活方式, 享受就得啦....
我出 trip, 一日起, 兩日止, 仲只係上大陸, 所以我唔鍾意
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主任, how do you know I have to fly more than 10 hours?
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 01:39 PM
你食完晚飯, 我先講 Good afternoon
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I see,... my trip usually go to singapore, shanghai, peking, tai wan, usa and europe.....
pretty much everywhere,..... I like it pretty much, but just cannot meet a girl friend.
Because nobody like ...
kinglong 發表於 2009-7-12 01:49 PM
聽落又真係有啲難度, 但都係女方唔識諗啫 !!
既然係你嘅工作, 就應該接受先啱 !!
~我能抵抗一切, 除了誘惑~