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even it's "屎," upload it~~~ hahaha
ndctim 發表於 2009-9-14 12:57 PM
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
Oh sheeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Taking about it, I need to have visit now.  Good Day!
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
So let's wait and see……

And have a nice day!
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
Peace and Calm, after typhoon
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
good nite
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
Thank you, you have a heart in the right place.  It's nice that someone answer mes and makes me not so lonely.
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
****** 法神權杖 成功 炎天使劍 2009-09-19 14:00:56  
ndctim 發表於 2009-9-19 02:02 PM


ps:現在玩寵物好愈來愈悶,因為無新怪,所以在高級數時,就算用(我)最高嘅8倍經驗,都只係2-3%加上去,25min後都只升了20-30級,再加上經常lag 咗,一lag 經常就大半分鐘,好揾笨,放棄只是時間問題。




* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
Well, of course I understand this for quite a while, somebody here recommend me to go to other forum and I did as such some 10 days before.  But still have some attachment and feeling in here.
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
hehehe.... attachment... from us la~~~ not the game~~ hahahaXD
ndctim 發表於 2009-9-21 11:58 AM
Bingo!  Or else why I still reply here?
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
Ehew, this is real disgusting.  I start throwing out!

Just wonder how many times in a single day that you misinterpreted somebody loves you.
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
Just point to my pic.  I've already provided the infromation you need.  And you're from…… Seem like u're from Hong Kong or Singapore, am I correct?
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *
I guess u're from Hongkong c'os the way you chat in English is like those Hong Kong people, like me.  Good Day!
* 少林功夫醒,好好嘢!少林功夫勁,係好勁! *