summei0529 (~* 心美 *~)當前離線
** 打雜 **
she is very funny but don't sleep near me la thanks h2o 發表於 2009-6-16 06:08 AM
less than 150cm? o_O h2o 發表於 2009-6-16 06:24 AM
没有人学我啊 他写事实 jnc3688 發表於 2009-6-16 06:29 AM
you are everywhere..... 你不想看到我的出现,你可以消失 jnc3688 發表於 2009-6-16 06:40 AM
闭关几日,迟D再见啦飞哥,个网好悟掂 lhy92725 發表於 2009-6-16 09:33 PM
oh... that's y !! Everyone is missing u in here !! boy12 發表於 2009-6-17 01:46 AM
what about me you don't miss me meh?? blueocean 發表於 2009-6-19 01:43 AM
Sure, not many girl invite me to go to their house ... let me go look look !! boy12 發表於 2009-6-21 02:52 AM
Hi everyone, I usually come up in the evening which is late night for u guys and girls in Asia !! boy12 發表於 2009-6-23 03:26 AM
u like to see ghost ? Bad news is the system is not allowing $ transfer, anyone know why ? boy12 發表於 2009-6-30 08:13 AM