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thank you very much!!!!
thanks a lot! is it better than comic version?
1# ac777 3 Y& S+ [9 h! p
thx alot
thanks for the new drama~
thanks alot
thank you very much!!!!
Thanks for sharing.  I like Erika so much.
thank you very much!!!!
I had seen liar game 2 only,
$ q: B* C* y! k- Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbIt's good time to see the former season of liar game!公仔箱論壇! z' B( j) J1 J  v0 S$ }% C
thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much
1# ac777
# j3 a% ~0 ]. F) s' M4 {7 j$ S! J4 u公仔箱論壇
! l; Y7 }/ x+ N' _2 V: g與之前看過的 Love Game 有點像!Love Game 也是一億日圓的競賽,雖然基本上沒有一位玩家獲勝,但是玩家經過如此深入人心的歷程後,都能正向面對人生,其實也算獲勝了。
thank you, like the actress and like the comic