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其实hotel很容易找的,去google 打一打就出来了
请问, 进到lucky 找谁呢?
小弟在怡保读书啊 有没有哪位大神带我一起出去玩玩 费用我包
3 k% B4 f2 P* `  ]/ O5 \: r有意的发信息到我邮箱啊[email protected]
can any1 pm me in melaka? ty! :D
請我怡保那間hotel有的,可以介紹我嗎,,可以去找???? 沒有經驗,,不會下手
Ipoh so easy find need to ask ppl take meh?If want ppl bring pm me let me know hehehe....u pay hahahaha
ipoh still hv papaya garden ? last time always go Q1...flubber... mind to tell ?
ip heritage hotel, try it!chinese & pretty, cool. i am the customer there, good taste.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 R5 [. @+ X: g* f; y' X! @2 |
tunyuhwah 發表於 2009-11-21 02:14 PM
4 e  @5 @7 m+ a4 x' {pm me details.i also want.thanks you
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me first time come to ipoh!
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PM me TQ [email protected]
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有谁去过tesco对面2in1火锅附近那间caXXey pub 和mXXn LXght pub,看到好像有妹妹...,有谁想去?
943# kosherwin ! ?- U3 i+ o- R