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i m already smiling all day long la .... -_-"
6 U  N/ L; [4 E* e  o+ Rbut still got picked on by my boss@@
8 c( x5 i4 P" P7 W2 E+ m! d' wreally pissed me off!!>O<
no.28.....good ar
% W5 d( y9 [" ?- B% Atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
3 _# q, [) `* P- y' }www2.tvboxnow.comthx for your sharing
25.不要期望所有人都喜歡你,那是不可能的,讓大多數人喜歡就是成功的表現。      tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 V8 r1 I3 }  i/ u! ^/ M

3 s; P5 U; I0 g0 v" Mwww2.tvboxnow.comIts true. 有時就算你對對方好好. 佢唔鍾意你就係唔鍾意口架啦.
講得好   所以我馬上完成了討人喜歡的 "第28個原則"
不错公仔箱論壇: U2 R" S- w+ Z! R
thx U for your 文章...7 N3 S# O( C6 D$ J! t
but dont think can do them all
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26.當然,自己要喜歡自己。     alright! i like myself~
its very useful, i will try to do it. thankx
I finished reading, hahaha #28 is pretty funny =)
滿不錯的乜    堆推
這一篇...寫得真的很好..睇完先發覺原來好多睇起黎簡單的事..細想一下~都會有好既效果~~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) U( u) K; j8 l
我都要學習學習先得~~~ thxthx~~支持
I know you make up #28 :0)
) d! ?1 n# X2 N, {1 E8 C* a6 Nwww2.tvboxnow.comBut 我給你繼續前進的勇氣,會給你很大的激勵
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you give us 勇氣 to reply we should give back this 勇氣 to you to pass around!