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公司的工作很不平衡, 有些同事一開工就忙到放工, 但有些人只有10分鐘在公司工作, 之後的時間就去茶水間吹水, 但一樣出糧, 好吾公平呀!
呢個世界就係咁,有人做死(我),有人嘆死。坐我後面條友成日嚡嚡聲,唔係辛苦,係冇嘢做坐到腰酸背痛。日日返工都係炒股票,keyboard 永遠都係打股票號碼‘得得得得’,以為人地傻嘅。
如果打算係度做, 就唔好理人地咁多嘢. 沒有好處嘅嘢就唔好做! 前世未煩過呀?!
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呢家打工就係咁~找唔到自我~價值觀   所以我覺得我呢家做呢到唔錯了  找到目標  同伴 自我 價值觀~ 你做幾多野出幾多糧比你~
本帖最後由 nesce123 於 2013-8-16 12:45 PM 編輯

a couple of trainees came to train in my company recently. totally craps. can't put their heart into learning new things. i gave up on training them. i think they came to relax or 'hea' only. and you know what? my boss is willing to spend money to hire these 'hea' trainees but don't wish to increase my salary.
WTF???? really no eye to see
正常呀!! 少見呀!!