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Nikon Canon都不错 新手可以考虑600USD左右的带套头的机器
原帖由 hugo5456978 於 2008-4-16 03:45 AM 發表
Better D60 la...  have more new function than D40X
Yes, I think D60 would be much better
canon eos 450D

Nikon D40 、D60

都系晤错的选择,我都系新手,目标系canon 450D
Nikon D80
I think D60 is best choice
Olympus 510 best, have IS and cheap!
我的攝影網: www.thechinaphoto.com/forum
Nikon D80 is good.
係唔係多數東南亞D人都是鍾意Nikon多過Canon呢. Stereotype???

我多叫人唔好睇機D Model 住, 但先睇 "鏡"

我話最好想清楚要那一个System. 因張來用在鏡頭的銀兩, 必多於機本身價錢.  Nikon 同 Canon 都係好機. 好鏡.  但以後買D物野鏡就..........你自己鍾意. 3rd Party 鏡始終冇Nikon 和 Canon 廠出既好.
所以我會叫你想清楚D鏡頭(單反機用個D),  之後先睇機. 由其是二手市場. 小弟自己用Canon. 希望意見可以幫到你.

P.S 買大廠機好
其实什么牌子都好,最主要是自己去 feel for camera grip. some prefers the nikon the others are into canon. Therefore I would advise you to actually shop around, hold the camera itself and see which one you like. It doesn't matter if it's canon / nikon / olympus / sony / fujifilm, as long as you feel comfortable holding it, and obviously your budget permits. :onion31: