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本帖最後由 gracechanstuart 於 2013-12-25 12:50 PM 編輯
6 {2 Q/ b& S: }& t. B, h) l3 C8 s( `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
/ t0 J2 k4 F- V/ W) Q: {自然的圖案:岩漿和岩石. ~6 B- Y7 M/ [2 ~) y! |
公仔箱論壇& C, w! K0 l* D# f5 ^3 [) r! e

8 C( E) S+ S# D7 _& \公仔箱論壇1 p# w2 j0 O- L! c2 l
页岩上的地衣;摄影:Sylvia Sharnoff在加州默塞德瀑布,页岩不得不向这些五彩斑斓的地衣让步。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 D$ u! S$ U6 O( [

水晶图案;摄影:David Boyer

; D5 O' s( P% [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

绳状岩浆,夏威夷;摄影:Frans Lanting

在夏威夷的火山国家公园,这些绳状岩浆冷却后会形成就好像绳子一样。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" ~+ z- C2 ]3 x4 ?) ^4 ?8 D" _

石漩涡;摄影:Cary Wolinsky

) _2 F9 p$ \& b6 h+ etvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

彩绘山;摄影:Sylvia Sharnoff

7 @0 a0 [2 G# O( [/ C& V9 hwww2.tvboxnow.com

冷却的岩浆;摄影:Marc Moritsch

8 J7 F# \6 X+ w0 I5 l, a8 Z7 w' t* rwww2.tvboxnow.com

岩石,加利福尼亚州;摄影:Charles Kogod


佩特拉砂岩;摄影:Annie Griffiths Belt

在约旦的佩特拉地区,这里砂岩的表面上布满了深红色的条纹。1 w, I7 H* b# T: H, w& K

流淌的绳状岩浆;摄影:Marc Moritsch

绳状岩浆,夏威夷温度最高的一种岩浆,在冷却后能形成像绳子一样的条纹,或者是形成像夏威夷火山国家公园里这一处还在流淌着的岩浆,像有着银色光泽的软糖。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; n: ~$ J3 d0 N  P+ ~) V0 C

沸腾的岩浆,埃特纳火山;摄影:Carsten Peter

" W$ s8 C/ n7 e

3 Y: y2 N5 W1 x7 cTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, {# H% r/ R3 g/ Q* t' @
www2.tvboxnow.com) q9 V9 l# [' ?0 R- X


most of the photos are basically nature in their different forms, the first two photos are quite unusual though, quite unique in it's own way, thank you for sharing


2# hattersophie - ~3 K% `' y6 k- R* j
4 {. J+ v8 d- }1 t
You're very welcome!www2.tvboxnow.com7 x9 i+ C9 b( o7 g" _

9 ]* @* H. V$ e+ @) ]公仔箱論壇Mother Nature is always full of surprises; amazingly stunning images, splendid colors and never ending treasures! It's always a great thing to start realizing what invaluable things we have, and take action to preserve and protect them.


nice photo!!!!!!
6 k4 e! J) D; E# x6 L( Rwww2.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇8 k) a# c. e5 I
thank you for sharing
$ \9 R' X$ M; L- ^good
4# easonpig 8 _* L3 X9 P$ r- h
Thank you for responding to the post! And many thanks for being supportive!
十分精彩的圖片, 謝謝樓主分享, thank you


That's interesting. Thanks for sharing the photos


6# lowklo
5 u0 @$ ^6 D: f8 ~$ H3 ]/ q不用客氣! 祝你有個快樂的假期!
7# n_nic2
0 ?7 O- |$ @% n, M, d* P4 l+ ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwww2.tvboxnow.com0 {: ^. Y7 @* c* }. F
You're very welcome! Thank you for being supportive!
Patterns of nature, it's not chaotic random nor artificially in order, it's mysteriously wonderful.


10# Sweetvia
! N4 o" u& B8 Q. u) ]4 @0 F3 c! i) v公仔箱論壇They are the art work naturally formed because of the need for survival and spirits of being just who and what you are!