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原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-2-1 07:26 AM 發表

呢d 唔係我玩  玩完贏都心臟停 去醫院
你有安全tips 彈小小過黎得傢啦
Long run sin give ....

回復 #4875 geese 的帖子

早講下次 等我贏一個免費晚飯都好
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-2-1 07:30 AM 發表
唔係賭     係投資
Race horse is 賭
Stock is 投資

回復 #4878 geese 的帖子

唔係甘講 又有人講傢啦
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-1 07:15 發表

金得個小小 $...

炒股先賺得多 ...

6, 7 隻 升 $ 0.5
2 , 3 隻 升 $ 1 - $ 1.5
輪 put 5 call 3 孖展 !

easy win 幾百個
I'm not greedy, as soon as there is some extra money for me, I'm happy !! :014:
It also can proof myself has a good "eye light" !
Gold is almost all time high now, and I think is not bad for an investment ! :onion14:
But probably has to sell soon because of the bad economy ! :onion05:

[ 本帖最後由 boy12 於 2008-2-1 07:38 AM 編輯 ]
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-2-1 07:34 AM 發表
早講下次 等我贏一個免費晚飯都好
咁無大志 ga ...


回復 #4880 boy12 的帖子

I never play gold or 債券 ..

Too slow ...

I use my money in stock market make more money ~~

Gold hard to earn over 100,000,000 HK dollar

回復 #4881 geese 的帖子

賭環賭  賭完我lose 多我唔快樂 所以唔想賭太大
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-1 07:35 AM 發表

Race horse is 賭
Stock is 投資
我想出去打下工 ...

淨搵 $ 好悶 :019:
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-1 07:40 AM 發表
我想出去打下工 ...

淨搵 $ 好悶 :019:

咁你比晒你d 錢我咪可以完成你個夢想囉!

回復 #4885 geese 的帖子

心中富有 購到好多東西 我已經好快樂 一日三餐唔晒煩
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-1 07:39 AM 發表

傻 la ..
你唔睇公司亂買死更 ==!!
升又升賺 , 跌有跌賺
低入高放 每次 10 % - 15 % 一定不死
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-1 07:43 AM 發表


咁你比晒你d 錢我咪可以完成你個夢想囉!
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-1 07:38 發表
I never play gold or 債券 ..

Too slow ...

I use my money in stock market make more money ~~

Gold hard to earn over 100,000,000 HK dollar
Hoho ! I also mean gold stock !! not future !!  
How much make depends on how much u buy !  and future is similiar to what u did in the stock market, can be up big time too !! :014:
Just be careful to invest this year, there might be corrections again and again and eventually a crash cos the US market is just too week and it will also affect HK or China market later at some point !  It's like u can see how the gas affect the economic !
Anyway, wish u good luck and make a lot of money ! :onion18:
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~