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原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-2 01:18 PM 發表
I need gonna sleep now,
tmr church ar !!

:sleeps: :sleeps:
good nite everybody !!
Bye Bye JuJu 姐姐!
goodnight bourget!!

goodnight felix too? you go to church too?

回復 #494 yuka13 的帖子

bourget always gone mad and think she is in france suddenly!!!!!

回復 #497 woofy 的帖子

i go curch too, but no don;t know la!!!!!!!!!.......
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-2 01:21 PM 發表
bourget always gone mad and think she is in france suddenly!!!!!
she is from US...
she written there...
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-2 01:21 PM 發表
bourget always gone mad and think she is in france suddenly!!!!!
luxury 話你蝦佢

回復 #500 yuka13 的帖子

she is dreaming she is in france........hor hor!!!!!!      

all the school i study in hong kong or u.k. has got st....to start with so means i will go to church lor!!!!!
原帖由 woofy 於 2007-12-2 01:22 PM 發表

luxury 話你蝦佢

回復 #501 woofy 的帖子

蝦佢 no wor....i am good good ga!!!!!!

回復 #503 yuka13 的帖子

not me wor.............may be another felix hehe.....we nnever know
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-2 01:23 PM 發表
蝦佢 no wor....i am good good ga!!!!!!
u good good?
i mean shyboy 蝦佢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回復 #506 yuka13 的帖子

yes yes yes shyboy09 ......u lot go to kill him la hahahahahahahahahhaha

i am good and nice u can ask woofy and bourget......
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-2 01:24 PM 發表
not me wor.............may be another felix hehe.....we nnever know
:019: u

回復 #508 luxury 的帖子

i know what u are going to say u want to say i am nice and good lei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!