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原帖由 bourget 於 2008-2-10 05:59 AM 發表
Hello bourget!! :014:
眼瞓… 我走啦!
原帖由 crazie 於 2008-2-10 06:12 AM 發表
原帖由 crazie 於 2008-2-10 06:18 AM 發表
眼瞓… 我走啦!
bye bye
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over over~~~is woofy here~~~:onion05:
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心

回復 #6354 viento 的帖子

woofy eatting bananas haha

回復 #6355 felixng2007 的帖子

i know you like banana~~~u don't need to remind me~~:onion14:

i am looking for woofy~~

woofy~~~come on , come on~~~:onion03:
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
原帖由 viento 於 2008-2-10 12:20 PM 發表
i know you like banana~~~u don't need to remind me~~:onion14:

i am looking for woofy~~

woofy~~~come on , come on~~~:onion03:
why only woofy ar??? u and her got soemthing under the table cannot tell people???
or u got some photo like mr chan want to share with me haha
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-2-10 12:25 PM 發表

why only woofy ar??? u and her got soemthing under the table cannot tell people???
or u got some photo like mr chan want to share with me haha ...
cuz....woofy lives in NY, and u are not........

i need woofy help~~~

i think you have more than me about mr. chan photo
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心

回復 #6358 viento 的帖子

yeah!!!!!! some one shinny gave me a lot already haha
tell me what is wrong then?

回復 #6359 felixng2007 的帖子

so~~enjoy your photo~~
i know u like to keep people's photo~~:onion14:
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心