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not bad
she is hot!
- x3 g7 E( J/ Tif she doesnt smile with those teeth...+ C$ m+ U4 O  z
sorry to say that!but beside that she is very cute!
0 m& e% X: p' c0 V1 \www2.tvboxnow.coma few pictures look pretty hot!
thanks!~~公仔箱論壇+ e5 i9 e4 P7 h6 V; g
i like tis ...haha
does she work in Nite culb
thx , it's nice
:014: give u a support.....
樣子 普通  但 sexy

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you really like her ar?

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好好笑~ tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 c( j0 H! O; B) j, c3 h
公仔箱論壇% |0 N9 M3 q4 u
this post compared to her last post very big difference worr~!
not bad bor, thanks!!
感謝你無私的分享 , so nice ~ 請繼續加油哦 ^_^  
不聞不問 ﹐歸隱山林 。我行我素 ﹐笑傲江湖 。