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位在比利時首都布魯塞爾(Brussels)中心位置的大廣場(The Grand Place), 號稱歐洲最美的廣場,1998年被列入"世界文化遺產".公仔箱論壇& m' p- K6 h* P  o2 y2 k
自1971年始, 布鲁塞爾每两年在這大廣場舉辦一次鲜花地毯節, 每次動用60萬朵以上的觧花, 動員百名志工, 拼貼交織出色彩繽紛充滿活潑生氣的鮮花地毯(Brussels FlowerCarpet), 每次主題不同, 但面積廣大, 被譽為世界最大的人造地毯.
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  • SweetLemon

曾經看過這個地點在風景區,可是這麼鮮豔的花地毯還是第一次。www2.tvboxnow.com2 _3 W4 b: p' u
If you've never seen the Grand Place Flower Carpet, you're in for a treat when once every two years, 800,000 flowers are transformed into a magical tapestry in the Brussels Grand Place.


  • SweetLemon

真的很美, 如果像北海道或普羅斯旺般是一片花田更好, 需要清拆時是那麼可惜.


  • SweetLemon

好美麗的鲜花地毯, 幾十萬甚至於上百萬的花朵所構成的, 真是不可思議!


  • SweetLemon

The Grand Place is the central square of Brussels. It is surrounded by guildhalls, the city's Town Hall, and the Breadhouse. The square is the most important tourist destination and most memorable landmark in Brussels. It measures 68 by 110 metres (223 by 360 ft), and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
, m) ]& t' ?3 k% _5 l, M' A% J' {公仔箱論壇
$ A9 J  n7 X2 Q8 ]+ PTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Every two years in August, an enormous "flower carpet" is set up in the Grand Place for a few days. A million colourful begonias are set up in patterns, and the display covers a full 24 by 77 metres (79 by 253 ft), for area total of 1,800 square metres (19,000 sq ft). The first flower carpet was made in 1971, and due to its popularity, the tradition continued, with the flower carpet attracting a large number of tourists.


  • SweetLemon

布魯塞爾的鲜花地毯的確漂亮極了, 上萬朵美麗的鮮花湊成的鮮花地毯真不是蓋的.


  • SweetLemon

Unbelievable. / ^/ P0 s9 d' ^1 q1 I( w. `
What a great carpet.
7 s  b& e9 b* ^, dThanks


  • SweetLemon
