Mac OS X 10.7 Lion GM 0n The Way
, 描述: mediAvatar
本帖最後由 mediAvatar 於 2011-7-8 06:08 PM 編輯 Mac OS X 10.7 Lion is on the way, and it would be on the Mac App Store, there will have multiple versions of the same as iOS 4.2, the upcoming upgrade will be named Mac OS X 10.7 Lion GM1. MAC LION 獅子已經來臨
According to reliable sources, Mac OS X 10.7's development proceeded smoothly, and the actual progress than expected. Although the currently Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Preview for developers is quite stable, but there still accompanied by bug, locking the content and system crashes. Apple has been making continuous improvements, and according to sources, Apple is ready to release the Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Golden Master.

Mac OS X 10.7 Golden Master is mean that the Mac OS X 10.7 Lion is complete its development and will be released to public. Perhaps in the case of Mac OS X Lion, GM means has been ready uploaded to the Mac App Store. Although the GM is usually the software that consumers will soon be released, but there will have multiple versions of the same as iOS 4.2, the upcoming upgrade will be named Mac OS X 10.7 Lion GM1.
現在, mediAvatar的所有Mac軟件都支持Mac OS X Lion,也就是 10.7。請不要驚訝,快來看看,進行先驅者的體驗吧。

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