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回復 #2171 wlt1110 的帖子

Show us how to get more 功勳 and $$$

原帖由 green_lemon 於 2007-11-26 22:15 發表
Show us how to get more 功勳 and $$$
Haha ! felix is probably at work now !
Or busy with some girl ar ! :019:
$ is easy, just ask felix for tips in sport game !!
points is tough !  But if you come here more often 1 rely 1 points,that is not that hard !
We have blow water in just 16 days for over 1800 replies la !!  Probably a record !!  
And we will try to post out if there is any functions to make points in the tvbnow forum !!
We should come to our 2 post more often !!
Good choice pick our group !  
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~

回復 #2176 green_lemon 的帖子

原帖由 wlt1110 於 2007-11-27 12:10 AM 發表
原帖由 boy12 於 2007-11-27 12:03 AM 發表
Haha ! felix is probably at work now !
Or busy with some girl ar ! :019:
$ is easy, just ask felix for tips in sport game !!
points is tough !  But if you come here more often 1 rely 1 poi ...
Haha... I never regret to join this family.
More JETSO will attract more new members to join here.
原帖由 wlt1110 於 2007-11-27 12:10 AM 發表

原帖由 green_lemon 於 2007-11-27 03:17 發表

Haha... I never regret to join this family.
More JETSO will attract more new members to join here.
You have any suggestions for us !
By the way, you are rich !! Hoho..............
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~

回復 #2180 green_lemon 的帖子

Hi guys and gals,
Good morning.............
原帖由 wlt1110 於 2007-11-27 09:23 發表
Can I borrow some too ??
hoho ..................
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
大家早呀~~ ~!!!踢。。。时间到~~~!!!
原帖由 green_lemon 於 2007-11-27 03:17 AM 發表

Haha... I never regret to join this family.
More JETSO will attract more new members to join here.

wlt 是我们爱与诚王国的阿隆,他收的利息很特别, 你借一千只还八百。
原帖由 kianlee 於 2007-11-27 10:46 AM 發表

wlt 是我们爱与诚王国的阿隆,他收的利息很特别, 你借一千只还八百。
I also wan to borrow.....Wlt can giv low interest rate???:019:
原帖由 canz85 於 2007-11-27 10:41 AM 發表
大家早呀~~ ~!!!踢。。。时间到~~~!!!
来来来, 我帮你储备了茶餐。 吃到你苞吧。 :onion14: