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it looks like a boring drama~but after watch, we can know it is not boring at all, it teaches us a lot for life...nobody can live without others help... really glad that i did not give up to watch this drama in the middle...like it!!!
thank you
thank you very much
thank you very much
6 S/ w! ^" J% P* Vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
謝謝大大的分享的第8集~~: |* a2 |- c# a. n
下一回就要完結篇了雖然下次多15分鐘公仔箱論壇* @. f# A: n( [# `% j; O
Thanks for sharing!
thank you so much
thanks a lot
Thanks for sharing
thx a lot
Thanks for sharing!!
劇中女主角努力考取,- F0 g0 y5 j1 A$ K1 l
thank you