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回復 #479 wlt1110 的帖子

I'm from cheras and puchong?
原帖由 yang5301 於 2007-11-13 09:33 AM 發表
yaya me form penang。almost malaysian too.hk n uk .usa a lot too......
almost malaysian???

回復 #482 lcw1234 的帖子

in here i c gt many malaysian at here.....

回復 #482 lcw1234 的帖子

u r  rite!!!
but lent from puchong n cheras..!!
got 2 wife/
原帖由 lcw1234 於 2007-11-13 09:36 AM 發表

almost malaysian???
Many of us is from Malaysia.....Hehe....
原帖由 wlt1110 於 2007-11-13 09:40 AM 發表
u r  rite!!!
but lent from puchong n cheras..!!
got 2 wife/
I where got 2 wife??:024:
I go 2 home only....

回復 #486 lenykoy 的帖子

puchong is primary wife mah...
cheras is "2nd wife" mah
88..yang ..leny....lengcai n lenglui

回復 #487 wlt1110 的帖子

Who tell you de????:024:

回復 #490 月※月 的帖子

Hihi...月※月.....How are u??

回復 #490 月※月 的帖子

原帖由 月※月 於 2007-11-13 10:17 AM 發表

回復 #490 月※月 的帖子

原帖由 wlt1110 於 2007-11-13 09:46 發表
puchong is primary wife mah...
cheras is "2nd wife" mah
What ?  Leny got 2 wife ?

And u also have baby too !!  :024:
We have 愛心 not 花心 ah !!   You better explain it or Mr fatfat - our new security is going to make so  kill  !!       

~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~