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[聲卡] Soundcard求救!!

請各位高手求救, 我的電腦不知什麼事, 出現怪的聲, 平時開著windows都會有好細聲既機器聲 (好似飛機/風扇咁). drag windows時會大聲d, roll mouse wheel 時會有唧唧聲.  玩game時背景的機器聲大聲到變到好似直升機咁. 好煩. 開頭以為係新買既woofer+speaker問題, 但換左headphones問題都係度.
我已經用control panel既volume, realtek hd audio manager都攪唔掂

希望各位高人高抬貴手救救, thanks!!
what model of your motherboard? and what Driver you has installed?
realtek sound chip is rubbish, I have give up and use a separated Sound card already. You may try.