33# Aenergy
34# ebay
>>我用DVD Fab HD Decryter 再複製。這次目的地是“本機磁碟”,不是外置式硬碟。它顯示 ...
Niko_Kwan 發表於 2010-1-31 05:19 PM  DVD FAB HD Decrypter is free or not,if it's free,why you want anydvd.
(我用DVD Fab HD Decryter 再複製。這次目的地是“本機磁碟”,不是外置式硬碟。它顯示是成功的,請問我之前用DVD Fab HD Decryter 複製不了,原因有可能是目的地是外置式硬碟嗎?) may be but it's not 100% for this problem, becaue i'm using external hard drive too but no problem.
(不過大小和檔案數量都比原本的dvd小。請問為甚麼會這樣?) no matter you copy full disc or main movie,it won't be as same size as orignal dvd disc,because the code is gone.