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[自拍] 新年快樂..再加相!。(2-23-07 update)

my fd did my hair v-day~~~ ppl said she messed up my hair~~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 @9 w  Q% Z3 |4 [4 a' X
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( j- m4 {- {3 }8 P1 \$ t
年初一電左髮~~ 繫米好大吉利是牙? 新年流流整頭髮。。。。但繫我覺得唔好睇。。都唔稱~www2.tvboxnow.com8 @% ?& @3 P4 h0 `: F) L
" u5 z% ~: M2 N+ h
[ 本帖最後由 lil_yuky 於 2007-2-24 10:06 AM 編輯 ]
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  • ed_teck

hey girl, where u from?? u look like someone I know.
i think ur hair is pretty good ,but ur hair style in the first pic  seems differ from that in the 3rd pic .
cuz they are emo hair. lol EMO 4tw!!
happy new yr ar yuky!!! i alwazz try 2 use a curlin iron 2 curl my hair but it never works><
新年快樂喎yukytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' q+ Q' ]2 F4 ^* p
祝你心想事成, 萬事稱心, 豬年行大運, 豬年精神www2.tvboxnow.com# ]+ p* y* I7 D2 C! s, e$ G1 ?. A, ~

% h5 Q( w! n3 a當然肥左啦..... 哈哈, 睇佢之前post d 相就知佢成日約朋友出黎食野
當然肥左啦..... 哈哈, 睇佢之前post d 相就知佢成日約朋友出黎食野 [/quote]
# U  K; I& C+ D0 y5 N0 Y' ?www2.tvboxnow.com
  I0 L8 y8 U. I' W$ otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 E' N# u' B4 k2 L6 Y# F
haha...i think so
原帖由 senyu222 於 2007-2-17 04:54 PM 發表。 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- D/ K% _4 g5 E" U9 k9 r
i think ur hair is pretty good ,but ur hair style in the first pic  seems differ from that in the 3rd pic .
/ `. W. B* Y, H: ?6 ]- |

" h0 F( y; @8 e7 m* O* {+ n- O8 `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* h1 v* b( a0 N0 q4 D
it is different~~ my fd curl my hair in class~~ so the 3rd pic is how i actually look~~ i will perm my hair on next week~~ there is a HK stylist.. he is pretty good!!
原帖由 amsicetea 於 2007-2-17 04:38 PM 發表。 公仔箱論壇* X: y7 t9 G  E! ]( D( ~2 r
hey girl, where u from?? u look like someone I know.
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 k' n0 F9 C" x6 R, }

$ P4 C8 x" D, u& w% \公仔箱論壇
. Q8 r  x4 I$ t& Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbr u from Housotn.. if u r~~ then u might see me around
yea yea .. i gained weight~~~ lol.. me and my bf.. we broke up..now imma become a pig!!
原帖由 lil_yuky 於 2007-2-17 07:45 PM 發表。 www2.tvboxnow.com* }6 M# [" [+ y3 a  E& j& s
yea yea .. i gained weight~~~ lol.. me and my bf.. we broke up..now imma become a pig!!
www2.tvboxnow.com6 Y: I& N4 [& G0 T5 h

' k2 N1 G8 y& O' r( J# _0 atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb放心喎! 肥左都係一樣咁靚 ^^! v; [+ W* l& A! D/ f  B9 g' Y5 z
..至於你同tek既事 唔好再諗咁多啦!! Be happy Yuky 新年一定要快樂架!!