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湖人Vs凯尔特人.球员对位全分析! [From ESPN]

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     Scouts Inc. breakdown: Lakers vs. Celtics

http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/playoffs2008/columns/story?page=ScoutingLakersCeltics By David Thorpe and Mike Moreau
Scouts Inc.

Updated: June 3, 2008, 2:58 PM ET

It'shard to imagine a more intriguing and exciting NBA Finals. Not justbecause of the storied rivalry between these two franchises, but theindividual matchups are just as compelling. Can a young bruiser like Kendrick Perkins make life difficult for a world-class player like Pau Gasol? The same question exists for Rajon Rondo, who has exceeded many expectations this season but now faces veteran point guard Derek Fisher and his multiple rings. Then there's mercurial talent Lamar Odom, against Hall of Famer-to-be Kevin Garnett, who's never been to the Finals before -- few players have the skills to give Garnett fits like Odom can. And can Paul Pierce, a top NBA player with a long career, carry his team to a title against the league's best player, Kobe Bryant?

血气方刚的年轻小将Kendrick Perkins能给世界级球星Pau Gasol带来麻烦吗?这个问题也同样适用于二年级生Rajon Rondo,他今年的成长速度超出了许多专家的预料.不过现在,他即将面对的是季后赛老油条Derek Fisher,和他带着的那三枚金光闪闪的冠军戒指.
天赋异禀的全能战士Lamar Odom将和从未进入过总决赛的准名人堂球员Kevin Garnett上演殊死搏斗.NBA中只有少数的球员能像Odom一样有足够多的技巧来Garnett带来压力.
当然咯,NBA中最顶级的球员之一Paul Pierce,能带领他的球队击败联盟中最好的球员Kobe Bryant?

The strategic matchups will be great to watch as well. Boston played the most dominating defense this season, and played that role well in beating Detroit. The Lakers were a top-three offense once Gasol arrived, and flexed their muscles in overpowering the high-octane offenses of Denver and Utah. But these teams are far from one-dimensional. Boston came through with strong offensive efforts two times in the Pistons series, while L.A. suffocated Tim Duncan down the stretch of the Spurs series.


The Lakers did not rebound well in their first two series, but came up with huge and many offensive rebounds against San Antonio. Bostonis an excellent team on the glass but will be challenged because itsrotations will get extended in looking to help on Bryant whiledefending all the triangle options and the Lakers' deep shooters. TheCeltics prefer a slower game, relying on their defense to strangle theopponents' best options in their half-court sets, but Rondo is a blurwith the ball, excelling in the transition game. It is true that theLakers love to run and push the ball, but they are just as effective ina slower game thanks to sound offensive systems and players.


Itseems likely that the Celtics will use the same tactics in defendingBryant as the Spurs did, at least to some degree. Keeping him off thefree-throw line puts more pressure on him to finish shots. The Celticswill try to limit his chances in the paint by shading him with multipledefenders on dribble drives. Bryant made the Spurs pay for utilizingthat strategy by shooting well from the perimeter and playing "fresh"down the stretch. But had the Spurs pounded Bryant all series, he mighthave scored in bunches from the line but might not have been so goodlate in games. It will be interesting to see how Boston chooses to quiet a player in the kind of zone Kobe is in.



Gasolis another Laker who will probably demand more than just one man toslow him in the half court. He's especially hard to defend if he canknock down his jump shot, especially when the Celtic's big men willneed to race back in transition to pick him up quickly -- Gasol isexcellent in changing ends and getting great position early in theoffense.


The Celtics are breathing a sigh of relief now that Ray Allen'soffense has returned, and as a whole, the Celtics got big performancesfrom the big three. Allen, Pierce and Garnett all had standout games atdifferent times against the Pistons. Plus, Rondo's penetration helps tocreate for everyone. And to make matters even better for Boston, Perkins got hustle points and established position against a formidable Pistons front line.

凯尔特人终于等到了Ray Allen在进攻端贡献自己的三分了,至此,凯尔特人的三巨头合体终于实现.
在对阵活塞的系列赛中,三巨头中的两个适时发威,另外, Rondo的持球突破也为他的队友带来不少进攻良机.更要命的是Perkins在面对强大的活塞时也能在篮下卡到位置并抢到多次前场篮板.

No team in the NBA rotates and communicates defensively with the precision and consistency like the Celtics do. Boston'sleague-leading team defense overshadows the fact that each of theirstarters is a formidable individual defender. In this series, it willbe important to see which guys can guard their own man with minimalhelp.


This Bostonteam rises and falls with it's defense, and the Celtics have developeda pride, an intensity and a defensive mentality that can not only shutdown teams, but can carry them in stretches and keep them in games whentheir offense struggles.


Bothteams have playmakers and defensive talents coming off the bench. Andboth benches are good enough to carry a team to at least one win.



PG 控球后卫

Derek Fisher:
He's the steadying influence that L.A.needed to unseat the defending champs, even though he did not shootwell. This was somewhat of a surprise after scoring and shooting sowell against Utah.During the Spurs series, he averaged 6.2 ppg on 37.5 percent shooting.Fisher made up for it with solid defense and outstanding ballhandling,committing just two turnovers the entire series. He'll give up lots ofquickness to Rondo, but has long arms and a great sense of timing tocontest jump shots. If he can keep Rondo from stripping him ordeflecting his passes, the Lakers' offense has a real chance to be moreeffective than any team Boston has faced.

Derek Fisher:

Rajon Rondo:
TheCeltics have grown more comfortable with Rondo at the controls as hisconfidence and production have improved from series to series. In 20playoff games, Rondo has posted a 3:1 assist-to-turnover ratio, and hisability to push in transition and penetrate in the half court are keysto Boston'soffensive success. The continuing concern is his inability to knockdown open jump shots, as he has made only 10 of his past 35 attempts --shooting only 34.9 percent in the conference finals. On the defensiveend, he can create problems for the Lakers' guards with his defensivequickness.

Rajon Rondo:
凯尔特人从Rondo惊人的成长速度中获益良多.Rondo的自信以及持球能力也与日俱增.20场比赛中,Rondo的助攻失误比是3:1 . 他的半场持球突破能力是波士顿进攻的必需品.不过他的空位投篮能力一直被人所担心.在东区决赛中他的命中率仅为34.9 3510.在防守端他可以利用自己快速的移动来给湖人的后卫们制造不小的麻烦.


SG 得分后卫
Kobe Bryant:
Bryantis coming off one of his most impressive series performances of hiscareer. Against the Spurs, he averaged 29.2 points per game -- withjust 10 made free throws overall -- and shot 53.3 percent from thefloor, with many of his attempts coming on jump shots. The Spurs workedat keeping him out of the paint, but it didn't matter. He almost alwaysscored when his team needed him to, and his 39 points in the seriesclincher was his best overall effort of the playoffs (even better thanthe 49 in the Denver rout). Bostoncan not just back off him, nor can they simply apply pressure and bringa second defender. Something more complex will be needed, but it comesat the risk of letting other Lakers players get easy looks. Bryant willbe used as a defensive stopper as well, working to cool down eitherAllen or Pierce, if they are carrying Boston's offense.


Ray Allen:
Allencame roaring out of his horrific offensive slump with 29 points,shooting 5-for-6 from 3-point range in Game 5 of the conference finals.Although averaging only 14.2 points on 40.3 percent shooting in theplayoffs, he averaged 17.5 points and shot 44 percent against Detroit-- making 15 of 27 shots and shooting 8-for-14 from 3 in his past twogames. Expect Allen to provide more of his normal offensive presence --shooting the 3-pointer in transition or off screens in the half court.He will use his dribble pull-up game to get into the lane and get tothe foul line if the jumper isn't falling. Things get no easier for himdefensively as he goes from chasing Richard Hamilton to matching up with the best 2-guard on the planet.

Ray Allen:
Allen刚刚从他那冰凉的手感中恢复自我.东区决赛第五场中三分球65,砍下29.即使他在今年季后赛中仅仅以40.3%的命中率获得场均14.2.但是到了东区决赛则有了进步:命中率上升到了44%得分也升至17.5.过去两场他2715,三分球148. 期待着Allen在总决赛中能有更正常发挥.通过无球跑动掩护获得外围3分出手的机会.他也会通过运球杀向篮下来博取犯规站上罚球线.比赛的艰难程度比东区决赛跟着Hamilton满地球跑马拉松不会轻松多少的.因为他防守的是这个星球上最好的球员.KOBE!


SF 小前锋

Vladimir Radmanovic:
He played his best games in the two games that L.A.won by a combined six points. During the Spurs series, he averaged 8.4ppg overall but scored 10 and 11 in those two close games, hitting 10of 13 shots. He roamed often in their half-court defense, away from Bruce Bowen,and was effective as a help-defender too. But in this series, he willnot be able to play the same role against either Pierce or Allen.Assuming Boston will scramble to defend Kobe, Radmanovic's normally steady 3-point shot will be a key to the series.

Vladimir Radmanovic:

Paul Pierce:
Inthe past two series, Pierce established himself as the go-to-guy in biggames and on crucial possessions. He followed up his 41 points in aGame 7 classic against the Cavs with 27 points, shooting 8-for-12 inthe close-out Game 6 in Detroit.His scoring has gone up in each series, as he is shooting fewer 3s andgetting more free throws by attacking the basket. He's averaging 19.0points on 44.3 shooting in the playoffs, getting his points from allover the floor, whether it's isos, post-ups, jumpers off the dribble or3s in transition. In the past two series, he defended Tayshaun Prince and LeBron James as well as anyone can, so expect him to see some duty on Bryant when the matchup dictates.

Paul Pierce:



PF 大前锋

Lamar Odom:
Odom had some shining moments against San Antonio, but didn't excel too consistently. The fact L.A.won in five games despite ho-hum production from Odom was a surprise tomany, and a sign of its overall depth. He'll likely have to scorebetter than his 12.8-points-per-game production against the Spurs, andshoot better than 40.4 percent from the floor, too. He had his bestgame -- 20 points -- shooting 7-for-10 in the only blowout win for L.A.He could have a similar impact in this series, but staying out of foultrouble against Garnett and forcing him to defend dribble drives(perhaps drawing fouls from him) will be two key areas.

Lamar Odom:

Kevin Garnett:
Garnettis the Celtics' leading scorer in the playoffs. In the conferencefinals, he stepped it up another level, averaging 22.8 points shootinga sizzling 52.5 percent. In half of Boston's postseason games, he has scored 20 points or more, including 33 points in the pivotal Game 5 against Detroit.Garnett is an excellent low-post scorer, but has found success in theplayoffs with his midrange jumper and the ability to catch and shootoff pick-and-pop screening actions. He will need his entire offensivearsenal against Odom. Garnett is the heart and soul of the Celtics'defense. He will need to lead vocally and by example on both endsagainst the Lakers.

Kevin Garnett:
Kevin Garnett是波士顿在季后赛的队内头号得分手.在东区决赛中他的得分又增加到另一个高度.:52.5%的命中场均砍下22.8.在季后赛中他有一半的比赛中得分都达到20或以上.包括决赛第五站打活塞得到的33分那场. Garnett是一个拥有完美地位技术的得分手.在今年的季后赛中他的中投又大放异彩.而与队友做完挡拆的交球技术也是在今年取得了相当的成功.他在面对Odom的时候需要在他的武器库里选择适当的武器来轰炸Odom防守的篮筐.Garnett的血液里流淌的正式凯尔特人的防守精神.他需要在球场的两端都为队友做出表率.为击败湖人做出自己的贡献.



Pau Gasol:
Somuch for the theory that Gasol is somehow not a great player becausehe's never won a playoff series. He might not have scored a lot ofpoints by his standards (13.2 points per game) but his defense on Duncan was a series-changer. He used his long arms and nimble feet to challenge Duncan consistently, without fouling, and made things tough on Tony Parkerby effectively hedging ball screens. Of course, his biggestcontributions were the 12 offensive rebounds in the last two games,including nine in Game 5. He'll have to be just as aggressive to keepPerkins at bay. Gasol is not the league's most physical post player,but neither is he at all "soft."

Pau Gasol:

Kendrick Perkins:
Perkinsprovides the size, energy and physical inside presence at both ends ofthe floor. He gets a lot of his points sliding and flashing to openareas around the basket, as most of the offensive attention is on histeammates -- Garnett especially looks for him when he is doubled.Perkins began asserting himself in the low post against Detroit,and at times dominated their entire front line. He averaged 9.3 pointsand 9.2 rebounds in that series. He is quick and mobile for his size,and he is the primary rotation guy in the Celtics' half-court defense.His ability to use his size and quickness against the versatile Gasolwill be a key factor in the Celtics' success.

Kendrick Perkins:
Perkins在攻防两端都能利用他的身材,激情,和身体对抗来为球队做出贡献.他能利用队友吸引对方球员进行包夹的机会得到不少空挡分数.特别是Garnett收到包夹的时候能第一时间把球送到他手上. Perkins开始在对阵活塞的比赛中证明自己在地位的能力.甚至一度在篮下很有破坏力.在那个系列赛(Vs活塞)中他场均9.3分和9.2个篮板.对于他的身材来说他的移动速度算是相当了得.他往往是全队在半场防守时落位最快的球员.他能否利用身材的优势和迅速的移动来限制Gasol的发挥也是凯尔特人系列赛的成功关键.





Luke Walton:
He'sa versatile player who can shoot the 3-pointer (9-for-20 in theplayoffs) or post up smaller players. His brilliant passing will beneeded to make plays against the Celtics defense.
Luke Walton:

Sasha Vujacic:
He'sa confident shooter who makes defensive plays with his hustle. He went23-for-56 on 3-pointers in the playoffs, but shot just 6-for-19 in theconference finals.
Sasha Vujacic:

Jordan Farmar:
He rebounded from a horrible series against Utah(1.7 points per game) to an excellent one in the conference finals,scoring 8.4 points per game and went 5-for-12 on 3's. He can penetrateand make a play at the rim, too.
Jordan Farmar:

Ronny Turiaf:
He'sactive on the glass and solid on defense. His ability to slide his feetand hedge ball screens will make things tougher on Rondo.
Ronny Turiaf:

Trevor Ariza:
Heplayed 10 total minutes against the Spurs after returning from aninjury back in December. He's a very special athlete on defense and intransition.
Trevor Ariza:


James Posey:
He has been to the Finals before and won a championship with the Heat. During the playoffs he has been Boston'sbest percentage 3-point shooter in the playoffs -- shooting 23-for-64for a 35.9 percent. He averages 21 minutes per game, and will play asignificant role in helping to guard Bryant.
James Posey:

Sam Cassell:
Healso has Finals experience and played on two NBA championships teamswith the Rockets at the beginning of his career, but has played a muchsmaller role than expected for Bostonin these playoffs with 4.7 points on only 32 percent shooting. Cassellcan bring quick points or bad shots and turnovers, but he might need toplay the role he was brought in for if the lights gets too bright forRondo.
Sam Cassell:

P.J. Brown:
Brownbrings a calming, veteran presence, as well as size and defense to thecourt. He's averaging 2.6 points and 2.3 rebounds in 11 minutes pergame.
P.J. Brown:

Leon Powe:
Heprovides the spark to the front line with 4.6 points and 2.5 reboundsper game and makes his biggest contribution on the offensive glass.
Leon Powe:

Eddie House:
He'splaying only five minutes a game in the playoffs, but can bring energyto the second unit and can get streaky hot with his 3.
Eddie House:

Glen Davis:
He's averaging 2.3 points in seven minutes per game. Big Baby can score and make plays around the basket and has fouls to give.
Glen Davis:

Tony Allen:
Althoughhe has played little in the playoffs, Allen had 16 points filling infor Rondo in a regular-season Celtics win over the Lakers.
Tony Allen:

ps.第一次翻译这么长的Matchup ,固中纰漏在所难免.希望各位多提意见.


  • kingjames

good share, we will have a good time:onion14: :onion14:
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