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[時事討論] 劉進圖:港大申禁令違公眾利益

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7 b' z7 q7 m4 _3 z5 q1 J, E& ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
+ w: B* i6 x) E/ lwww2.tvboxnow.com香港大學校務委員會日前向法院單方面申請並取得臨時禁制令,阻止商業電台及相關人士進一步披露校委會否決任命陳文敏當副校長的會議內容,包括會議的聲音紀錄及相關文件,事件引發多個新聞專業團體關注,質疑禁令妨礙新聞及資訊自由。
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根據普通法制度,任何人若以違反保密原則(breach of confidence)向法院申請禁制令,除須證明資訊具保密性質、獲得資訊人士應負起保密責任、有關披露未獲授權及具損害性,法院還須考慮披露是否符合公眾利益(public interest),過去法院判例顯示,公眾利益的定義包括揭露不當行為及消除對公眾的誤導。
: e) G) o$ k  N0 l) G5 _6 C+ z* f4 @' a( _
港大向法院申請禁制令,主要理由相信有兩點,其一是校委會會議向來保密,藉此讓與會委員可暢所欲言,保密制度若遭偷錄、爆料等不當行為破壞,校委會日後將難以正常運作。其二是該次會議討論副校長人事任命,性質較為敏感,涉及個人私隱,更加需要保護。在正常情下,這兩點理由足夠讓法院頒布禁制令。不過,港 大今次決策並不正常,所以法院才需要考慮是否有公眾利益,支持披露全部或局部會議內容。www2.tvboxnow.com9 U2 Y9 I3 D1 h( m  G
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6 W; Z; U: x% }終審法院指出,淫褻不雅概念雖然不容易解釋,但困難不是拒絕解釋的理由;解釋可以扼要,毋須把討論過程和盤托出,但不能只是重申一些抽象的大原則就當是解釋。套用同樣的準則,港大的人事決定雖然不容易解釋,但並非無法解釋,校委會主席可以在不披露個別委員立場及敏感個人資料的前提下,扼要交代校委會拒絕按慣例接納物色委員會對人選的專業建議的理由,過去行政會議的一些重大決策或律政司的一些重大檢控決定,事後也有對外解釋,為何港大可以用保密制作擋箭牌,拒絕履行其作為法定機構須公開交代的法律責任?公仔箱論壇) I! g  k- D- H

3 S- R. g8 }; U# N3 I反對禁令一方可以提出的第二點理由,是港大這次決策過程極不正常,反映有委員受到外界政治壓力影響,無法正常而合理地行使權力,但校方卻對外聲稱是正常合理的決定,令公眾受到誤導,個別與會人士爆料雖違反保密協定,卻具有糾正視聽的功效,符合公眾利益。避免公眾受誤導這項公眾利益原則,權威案例是英國終審法院在2004年的金寶訴鏡報集團案。著名模特兒金寶屢次對外聲稱她從不吸毒,《鏡報》記者用跟蹤偷拍等方法,揭露她正在某戒毒中心接受治療,雖然法院裁定治療細節及中心門外與職員告別的圖片違反保密責任,但她曾服用毒品及正在戒毒的新聞卻可以合法刊出。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。3 s5 a# h) D9 |# y7 L
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* x% C! s( g3 ^3 E
' x8 {2 U' b: T; h* l; T: U. D
- x. c' x4 a- k& H: I! J校委會今次決策真的是正常的人事決定嗎?反對禁令一方可以指出,不正常的背景包括:
# b& i# d/ o( T9 XTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& L+ p. ?0 d$ E, r4 ~5 G
(1)早於2014年底,由內地政府營運的左派報紙已率先爆料,披露物色委員會通過推薦陳文敏,並對這項建議作出持續而頻密的抨擊,客觀效果是向港大校方施加壓力,後來更上升至由北京的中央級別媒體刊文抨擊;TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( c" c# W4 I" o$ @- i' p2 f0 _

7 S7 U, ~) E) iTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 (2)2015年夏天,校委會一再拖延討論物色委員會的建議,理由包括令公眾嘩然的「等埋首副」,觸發畢業生議會召開特別會員大會,數千校友投票通過要求校方按一貫機制處理人事任命,尊重物色委員會的建議,但校委會非但沒有接納持份者的要求,個別校委更以此作為政黨介入干預校政的論據,甚至據此質疑候選人陳文敏陰謀策動,反映一些校委的思維被政治因素遮蔽,偏離正常和理性的軌道;
! K1 W$ @( N5 l" C7 W6 swww2.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇* v+ Z0 @1 }( q
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(4)有校內民意調查及全民公投顯示,大部分教員和學生不理解及不認同校委會否決任命的原因,逾千師生在校園集會遊行,質疑學術自由和院校自主遭破壞,要求校方解釋。在本地和海外社會,質疑聲音亦不斷湧現,令港大的公信力和百年校譽遭受嚴峻考驗。如果是正常的人事決策,怎會出現這樣的迴響?3 ~( \3 p2 n1 \, X
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 C% ]0 @' u4 H/ n
屬特殊個案 不應以例外作常規
2 O/ _# t, u: N* p; Y* l( y公仔箱論壇: A$ ~2 Y2 v1 z; U! M" j
. w1 q  o% f4 x: m1 K% tTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; R* ~/ M0 L: i9 k
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2015-11-25 10:55 PM 編輯 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( f0 a: h5 A/ |
www2.tvboxnow.com3 b* C2 r5 o1 F/ C  @
疑似港大校委錄音再流出 盧寵茂質疑陳文敏學術成就 不滿受傷未獲慰問 馬斐森多次反駁
+ Q4 f2 {& `9 I4 u+ x4 D! Lwww2.tvboxnow.com1 m+ W+ x% {2 V5 `
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。# p, A2 [: E# P
: R) ^: y: [: s, D
2 [. U) O' V9 X3 m, g8 k$ jwww2.tvboxnow.com疑似是港大校長馬斐森,多次反駁盧寵茂,直指副校長職務不包括慰問受傷者。公仔箱論壇" Q7 v1 ]4 y6 ]# h" z& w

+ l( G+ o/ y( W6 f: y$ Cwww2.tvboxnow.com聲帶和文字記錄轉載如下。公仔箱論壇$ Q4 l* W4 |% S3 n8 ^* R
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* _- w* ^1 v7 |6 e, o9 }
# S+ B( q1 K- [2 W
KK Wong: Thank you chairman. I think Professor Kwok has a point but I think academic freedom… I think here is the Council meeting on this particular issue is not the main point of concern because we are talking about is the recruitment of human resources matter. Whether or not we are appointing a person does not relate to academic freedom. I think we all respect academic freedom very well. And as our President said in the opening and remarks, right now we are really in a dilemma…: approve it, disapprove it or delay it. Every single option will have a down side. I think we have to make a choice.
8 y# [% ~( `+ c9 b0 Q
$ `/ T6 [  a, M& U& |# g% K# D( a' bwww2.tvboxnow.com黃景強:謝謝主席。我認為郭教授言之有理,但我認為學術自由…我覺得在這裡,在校務委員會討論此一特殊議題,並非主要的關注焦點,因為我們討論的是人資事務的人事案。無論我們任命某人與否,都無關學術自由。我認為我們都非常尊重學術自由。正如我們的校長在今天一開場所言,現在我們面臨進退維谷的處境:通過、否決,或是擱置,每個選擇都有缺點。我認為,我們必須作出選擇。
1 M: N; `* H+ L5 S1 A0 V5 u
: }. p; r0 ]0 n7 n$ }9 d# }0 Q公仔箱論壇After reading the papers which is the first time I have ever heard of this paper, then I officially looked at the name of the candidate although I have heard about the name in the press for a long time. I do feel that we have to be very cautious in this appointment because, as some of our colleagues mentioned earlier, we have to really unite--I am talking about HKU only, not Hong Kong. We have to unite, trying to develop a strategy under the instruction of President to really foster and assure academic freedom, academic excellence and also smooth human relation. I think we have been divided too much. We need somebody to really hold us together, our chairman, our President and all our senior management team. So, on balance, without referring to particular issues, I really think that there’re controversies surrounding the candidate. So maybe it needs more cautious step to appoint a person in this post as soon as possible, but I will not support the nomination at this point.www2.tvboxnow.com9 V, @' [" l* ~

7 p9 I4 c, q4 A# M0 {: y8 |+ wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb黃景強:我是頭一次聽說有這份報告,我讀過報告之後才看到這個候選人的名字,不過我早就從報章知道這個名字了。我真的覺得我們對於這項人事任命必須非常謹慎,因為,如同一些同事早先說的,我們必須真正團結──我單指香港大學,不是整個香港。我們必須團結,試著訂出策略,在校長的指示之下,扶植、確保學術自由、卓越的學術成就、圓融的人際關係。我覺得我們被分化得太嚴重,需要有人讓我們真正團結起來,我們的主席、校長和全體資深管理團隊都要團結一心。所以,就整體而言,在不提及特定議題的情況下,我真的認為這位候選人有些爭議。所以,在任命某人接任此一職務,也許應儘速採取更謹慎的步驟,但此刻我並不支持這個提名。
" ~/ N6 \+ f6 G# A* ETVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" I6 H  @; ?) @: B2 i7 V+ g
Martin Liao:      … I have made some enquiries amongst the senior academics both in this University and other universities…it is more or less the same thing. I did look into the publications for the past five years myself, and also nothing as detailed and as comprehensive as Edward’s research. Perhaps just to supplement on what Edward said, I have looked into the past five years, and I was looking for citations of academic work that from the candidate, and there was none, except there was googled four times, googled… research… I mean it was google searched… it was google searched four times, and there was no citation. Thank you.www2.tvboxnow.com: E" R7 \0 S% S/ v4 M
廖長江:我請教了港大與其他大學的資深學者,得到的答案相去不遠。我親自查了過去5年的學術出版品,不比Edward的研究詳細廣泛。也許只是幫Edward所說的再補充一點,我查了過去5年之中這位候選人的學術作品被引用的情形,結果沒有半次,僅被google了4次,google… 研究… 我的意思是google的搜尋,在google被搜尋了4次,而且沒有引用紀錄。謝謝。! o9 j3 I/ w, B6 F7 V
CM Lo: My position in the Council is somewhat similar to KY. We are both academic staff elected by staff members. I fully understand that we are here at our full capacity. I am not representing the staff but I do have the perspective from the staff members. So in terms of the academic qualifications, I can make some comments and in terms of how I see him as the potential candidate for PVC staffing, remember this is related to academic staffing and resources. So that’s why I feel that I can give my opinion and thoughts about the appointment.www2.tvboxnow.com9 _7 v. [5 |& a' A0 L  V: w+ k

7 {( y1 ]3 o- R. @) g$ n" Ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvb盧寵茂:我在校委會的職位,某種程度而言與KY(袁國勇)的類似。我跟他都是由職員推選出來的教學人員(代表)。我完全明白我們在這裡是盡心盡力的。我不代表教職員說話,但我這裡的確有些來自教職員的看法。就學術資歷而言,我可以發表幾點意見,從他(陳文敏)身為人力資源副校長候選人的層面去說明我對他的觀感。別忘了,此一職務與學術人力與資源有關。因此我覺得我能夠針對這項人事任命提供我的意見與想法。
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7 P, T. }; s: }7 v/ g4 ^' | Firstly it is on academic achievement. Secondly, as a staff, whether I see him as a suitable person to take care of staffing and resources because there have very important implications for us, for the staff. I am a new member of the council and I was elected in May, so I have been in the Council this is the forth one. When I decided to accept the nomination, I really don’t have this item on my agenda, I am a bit regret now as if you look at the attack against Johannes Chan, I would say that my suffer in the last couple of months is a result in the participation in this Council, is perhaps even more than one. He has the right to complain about. I don’t know what I should do. I was fulfilling my duty as a University staff elected representative to take part in this council meeting and every time I remind myself this is my duty to do this for the best interest of the University.
0 [1 W$ X1 l& K! O$ s$ _. ]5 a
& q$ X: F  ^. z6 i6 c盧寵茂:首先是學術成就方面。其次,我身為教職員一分子,不論我是否視他為合適的人選去處理本校人力資源事務—因為這對我們來說關係至為重要,我在校務委員會是新人、五月才被選出來的,我進校委會也才第四個月,我決定接受提名的時候,我的議程裡真的沒有這一項議題,我現在有點後悔了,各位可看看對於陳文敏的攻擊,我要說,過去幾個月以來我的痛苦就是因為我加入了這個委員會,或許還不只一個。陳文敏有權利去抱怨。我不知道我該怎麼辦。我是港大教職員推選的代表,我參加這場委員會會議,努力履行我的職責,而且我每每提醒自己要盡全力為港大謀求最佳福祉,這是我的職責所在。- O8 v9 i+ R- ^1 [6 S. V

, l# f1 V; `8 M$ v4 A公仔箱論壇But when I fell, all these people, I am not saying only the students, I know there are people outside the University, there is no doubt that the student lead the crowd in and I have this meeting. I have been teased in so many articles, so many pictures to say that I am an actor, 插水, alright. I really feel very bad, I didn’t complain eventually and even when I was in the hospital and I talked to the media with my occupation in charge that I will kindly accept, 我唔追究D 學生. That’s my true believe because I feel very sad if those people in the room and outside were our students, I really feel ashamed. We have not do our duty well.
* k& K9 z9 d& S6 D公仔箱論壇盧寵茂:但當我跌倒的時候,所有人,我指的不是學生而已,我知道有些是校外人士,領頭闖進來的毫無疑問是學生,我在開會。在許許多多的文章、照片裡我受到揶揄,稱我是在做戲、插水。好吧。我覺得很難過,最後我還是沒有抱怨,就連我人在醫院、以我的職務對媒體講話的時候,我也是說,我會衷心接受,我唔追究D 學生。這是我的信念,而且讓我很難過的是,如果那天在會議室內外的人是我們的學生,我真覺得羞愧。我們沒有盡到我們的職責。
- x  [/ q$ l9 R. V! r% ewww2.tvboxnow.com
/ s( D, d+ R8 Q! J9 M$ Z6 [$ l公仔箱論壇I always remind myself that what I read in the newspaper cannot be taken as the truth and I always say and tell other people that I don’t know the candidate, until I saw it on the table in this meeting. I was asked, before this meeting, in the last honorary fellowship conference. All these media come to me asking, would you accept this JC be received as the next PVC and I said come on, how can you ask me to make a conclusion before I actually conducted a study as an academic, we should not make conclusion before we looked at the facts. The facts are here and the facts are also from all the discussions we had. I really appreciated all the members and I truly believe everyone here is an independent trustee of the University, hoping for the best interest of the University. I appreciate all the thoughts and I now saying what I think base on all these facts, what is my opinion.
; R: p/ K# M  _; m. L1 D% J
5 d) C& N' w/ P2 s9 b/ Htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb盧寵茂:我總是提醒自己,我從報上讀到的內容不會被視為實情,我也常對其他人說我不知道候選人,直到我在今天的會議桌上看到這個。在這場會議前,我被問及,那是上一場榮譽院士會議,所有媒體全都來問我,「你是否同意陳文敏接任下一任副校長?」,我說,得了吧,各位怎能在我作為一個學者,在做研究前就要我下結論呢?我們不該在檢視事實之前就下結論。事實就在這裡,事實也是從我們所有的討論而得來的。我十分感謝所有委員,而且我真心相信,在場的每一位都是立場超然的港大受託人、都希望為港大謀求最大福祉。對所有見解,我心懷感謝,現在我要說明的是我根據所有事實所做的思考,即我的意見。
1 [! I" s. C! r) x0 R# ?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( Z5 ^; u+ G. e  Q- G/ u( j
Now, first of all I have to declare my conflict of interest, I know JC. He was in the same hostel with me in St. John’s College so we live next to another floor. We know each other and in some of the previous University activities he has expressed support for me and for my department. So I really appreciate his support for me and in fact when I heard about his nomination in the media, that he is the candidate... and in the personal point of view that he is a good guy as many of the members have said. He is a good man. He has been working for the University for so long. This is the first impression for me that I should support him.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% e1 `$ I5 u) L
盧寵茂:第一,我先聲明我自身的利益衝突。我認識陳文敏。他與我當年都住在聖約翰學院香港大學學生宿舍,我倆就住樓上樓下而已。我們彼此認識,在某些港大的活動之中,他曾表示支持我和我的部門,對於他的支持,我很感謝,事實上當我從媒體聽說他獲提名為副校長候選人的時候… 我個人看來他是個好人,許多校委會委員也這麼說。他在港大服務多年。我的第一印象就是,我應該支持他。公仔箱論壇; v' f6 c% g) p% [

! N3 a; l5 v7 h5 ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAfter looking at this and especially after the incident in July, I have some reservation. It is about his qualification. Professor Chan has a very detailed analysis on the publication. You can look at it, for the last 15 years, he has produced less than 5 items output including factor and article, less than 5 a year and in some years for example, in 2008, he has produced only 1 item, 2011, 1 item only. I know the number, quantity, is not the absolute measure, you have to see the quality as well.
- C: c$ `2 ?8 V( U; ~www2.tvboxnow.com盧寵茂:在看過這個之後,尤其是在七月那場風波之後,我持保留意見。主要是資歷問題。陳教授的學術出版有非常詳細的分析。各位可以看一看。過去15年他的學術著作發表,包括影響因子與期刊論文,一年不到5次,某幾年例如2008年只有1次、2011年只有1次。我明白數字、數量不是絕對的基準,也要看品質怎麼樣。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; m0 o2 p4 Y% w' t! p) c- V
www2.tvboxnow.com8 f, {7 B+ j6 T; y* o3 c
If I have an assistant professor with this kind of output, I will be very concerned about, I would really say, hey, how can you reach the bar of the notion with in the university, very strict criteria 4 + 4 for practical, 3 + 3 for non-practical, for promotion either up or out from an assistant professor to an associate professor. And if my assistant professor give me a CV which is 1 output per year, I would say, you are in trouble. In 6 years or in 8 years time, how many publications did you have in your CV, you can’t reach that bar. I agree with KY that the University, the USBC, he is not a case to promotion and I doubt whether the same applies to the Law faculty. I believe it should, you still have to same sort of criteria.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ r7 [- ^8 i  e0 w1 w: ~, g/ P

+ _0 w; J$ p7 c盧寵茂:假如我的助理教授學術發表數量也像這樣子,我會非常擔心,我會說,你要如何達到校方升等的標準?標準很嚴格的,實務領域四加四(指兩份四年制合約,期內表現優良,可於八年,即四年加四年後轉長約),非實務要三加三(指兩份三年制合約,期內表現優良,可於六年,即三年加三年後轉長約),不是從助理教授升為副教授,就是降等。假如我的助理教授給我的履歷表寫著一年發表一次學術著作,我會說,「你有麻煩了」。在六年或八年期間,你的履歷記載了多少學術出版品,你達不到那個標準的。我同意袁國勇的意見,也就是在香港大學,USBC,他並不是升等的人選,而且我懷疑本校法律學院是否也持同樣標準。我認為應當如此,必須用同一套標準。2 q# J# P* x8 s; V5 b

: M  D) P2 U; Q3 U: l" e( h6 _9 ?4 ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvbProfessor Chan is actually the best person here as an academic. So I would like to start a question whether he has the academic qualifications to take up this position especially he will be looking at staffing, looking at promotion and if you are not a Phd yourself how can you supervise people. The same as if you are not academically of certain standing. How can you say, hey, you are not well presented. The candidate would really say, look at your CV, your CV is not as good as mine. How can you turn down an application, if you don’t have the kind of quality?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 P) {* R5 V1 @0 k- d
9 h5 _0 h  @  J4 |( q
. P( O( {) W( E2 t( rTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; C' F  q! s. u  g
So this is my feeling when I saw this CV and reminded me of quality and whether he is qualified as a PVC. Perhaps the VC may not be aware of this but certainly I think after this point was mentioned, I hope as the search committee chairman, you would consider whether, you know, you said just now you were not aware of this and you take it for granted since he has been promoted to a professor and since he is appointed as a dean, he must qualify. I don’t feel that should be some trivial correlation
; b! x* M9 x- R1 N5 J* Z公仔箱論壇
4 w4 M, Q7 D0 ^1 o9 w) L! ^8 Q! V盧寵茂:我看到這份履歷的時候,我的感受就是這樣的,讓我想到學術地位,還有他能否勝任副校長的職務。或許校長無法藉由這份履歷清楚了解這一點,但我認為這一點提出來之後就很確定了,我希望,您身為物色委員會的主席,會仔細考慮此事。剛才您說了,您並不清楚此事,而且,既然他已經獲得升等為教授、獲派為學院院長,您也覺得,他擔任副校長一職也是理所當然。我不覺得這是沒什麼關係的小事。
, T" C" n9 d' s  H
3 h; H0 i: h$ ?7 @* B2 SPM: ……there were 4 academic members on the search committee. I was qualified to make academic judgments. I have a lot of experience of making these judgments. There were 3 other academic members of the committee. So there were 4 ppl, 3 of them are not here to represent their views, so my job as a chairman is to represent their views. Academic credentials were considered, and were considered suitable. Council members may disagree. But I am not going to go back from the judgement made by the search committee.2 m- H8 {1 I$ O  y; I  c8 t
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( L6 e+ _4 L( B  g  _' u2 J
馬斐森:…物色委員會有四名學者。我有資格作出學術判斷。我有豐富的經驗去做這類判斷,委員會還有三名學術人士,所以一共四人,今天另外三人不在場、無法表達看法。我身為主席的職責是表達他們的觀點。學歷經過審酌了,是合宜的。校委會成員可能不同意。但是,我不會不履行物色委員會的決定。' S1 V8 j( b# }# [6 y! X: i% ?

1 O0 w4 s5 h# Z9 A; ?: q2 Swww2.tvboxnow.comAs to a comment to the number of papers he published, I think it’s utterly irrelevant. There’s no job description that says you could have published certain number of papers or you’re not qualified for this role. The… number of papers published that not enough quality and you can’t transfer from medicine into law because the publication requirement is different. So frankly the number of paper he published in the last 15 years (…)公仔箱論壇2 a4 \4 I4 N  H
www2.tvboxnow.com1 M; v; ^( e  C) G- V6 e8 Q* X
馬斐森:至於針對他發表過幾篇論文的評論,我認為完全無關宏旨。職務說明並沒有提到要求發表過多少論文、否則就沒資格擔任這項職務。…發表論文數量不夠資格,這方面醫學和法律不能相比,因為兩者對發表論文的要求是不同的。所以坦白說,過去15年他發表過多少論文…& }7 D0 G/ l9 e# V) C3 b' r
2 G" M. Z0 _. l9 s/ y9 R
CM Lo: Well that’s the qualification part… my feeling about reading his CV...the second part is related to whether he's suitable for this position, because he's going to take care of academic staffing. And my expectation for such person has to be very impartial. I wouldn't have problem with political approval, alright? You can apply to your…political meeting or whatever. I do have many staffs who take part in occupy central. They are so yellow, and I've expressed my position and my opinion that I did not support occupy central. I don't have a problem in the hospital. Because they work in hospital, political opinion does not affect their clinical service, and never change their duty just because they support occupy central. That should not affect your work in the university and the hospital.
' q+ Y0 f, s- K% `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: |% ]+ p% N1 R. S& ^3 V& v
% d8 `- Y) h' [- M0 C: gTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' y5 F4 `8 T; p/ \3 y
But on that event, on that night that we have been in the storm of council meeting and subsequently my injury. And after the event, I really didn't see him showing any sympathy for the council members, and particular… I...myself…. I am a staff elected by the all the other staff to take part, and I sustained and injured. From all the opinion that he has expressed, actually he's still putting the blame on the council, he has never, I'm not saying I need his sympathy. But as a staff, I really feel if you are PVC (staffing) and if a staff member had an injury during an event like this, should you just keep on saying it's the council's fault. That means it's my fault as well? So in a way he's telling the public, he's speaking out in public, including his《香港家書》, that the fault remains in the council...in a way…for the suffering I encountered. That is my concern, and as I said before, I came to this meeting when I know he’s a potential candidate. I am very supportive initially, but with this and now looking his CV and what happened and his way of handling it... I really need to think twice before considering him as a suitable person for this position, and I wonder, I know the recommendation by the search committee was actually made a while ago, was actually written in July... With that kind of incidents and the way that this candidate has expressed his opinion in public, would the search committee still consider that kind of person is suitable to handle academic staffing and resource? Because as a staff, I am seriously concerned, even though I know I am here not representing the staff.www2.tvboxnow.com+ a) L1 o4 L, k1 h5 r# e
公仔箱論壇# ~( |  l5 X# f' F
盧寵茂:但在那次事件之中,那一夜我們身處於校委會議風暴,緊接著我受傷了,事件過後,我沒有看到他對校委會成員表達任何慰問之意,尤其…我…我本人…。我是由全體教職員選出來參與校委會的一員,我承擔了,我也受傷了。從他所表達的所有意見來看,事實上他是在怪罪校委會,他從不曾……我不是說我需要他的慰問,但我也是教職員的一分子,我真的覺得,如果他是人力資源副校長,有教職員在這樣的事件中受傷,難道他應該一直說這是校委會的錯嗎?意思是我也有錯?在某種程度上,他這是在告訴社會大眾,而且是直接了當地告訴大眾,包括他的《香港家書》也是,他宣稱這依舊是校委會的錯…在某種程度…我所遭遇的痛苦…..。這是我憂心之處,而且,如同我之前所說,我來參加這個委員會會議的時候,我知道他是可能的候選人。我一開始非常支持。但因為那場事件,再加上現在看到他的履歷和這些事情,還有他處理事件的方式… 我有疑慮,而且我真的必須三思他是否適合這個職務。我知道,物色委員會已經推薦他好一陣子,事實上7月就已有書面文件……。考量這種事件與這位候選人公開表達意見的方式,物色委員會是否仍認為這樣的人適合掌理學術人力資源?因為,身為教職員,我對此非常憂心,雖然我知道我在這裡並不代表教職員。
& _4 R9 W* p7 j# y  \. o公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& d- b9 L8 `! y
CH: The recommendation of search committee was made in July (...) sorry in May. So anything after that was not included.
# \$ m& \3 a1 x! i7 q+ C/ }! otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, t. D% K: ?8 |$ E/ g3 e; y8 Q( V
委員會的推薦是在7月,抱歉,在5月,所以任何之後的事件都不在考慮之列。! p/ E# T4 Q5 S1 b
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% u/ Y, _- O& F( d- A) J! g
CM Lo: … If that is the case. Can I ask the chairman of the search committee, would you take into account of what happened afterwards, that this candidate has done this (VC: done what?), openly breached the confidentiality calling himself a candidate, and then was complaining that the council has not doing the right thing? and despite the fact that there are council members including the staff member who suffer injury during that event, he has expressed no concern whatsoever, to the safety of the council and staff members. TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' u, v. |  w' _3 Y

2 c. M, q2 h: i0 J/ e# X' a4 P+ j! X5 c( ]" t; r1 [- `+ J( F: S
盧寵茂:如果是這樣,我能否請問物色委員會主席,你會把之後發生的事列入考慮?基於這名候選人做了這樣的事(校長:做了什麼事?),他公開自稱候選人,違反保密原則,然後抱怨校委會沒有做正確的事。還有,儘管校委會成員包括教職員在事件中受傷,他也對校委會及教職員的安全不表示關心。公仔箱論壇% L$ S6 Y. Z; [# o0 v2 B. R

! }. b2 y/ D; R: {6 L9 S3 }And in contrast, he put the blame on the council members and including me as a staff member. I am really terrified that someone with this kind of... I don't want to extrapolate but I felt the threat is someone ... i would say he's putting his political intonation into the university. Because at a ... political opinion he may think that I am here to represent CY. I can tell you I am not a 梁粉. I came in with support of the staff members. I've never talked to CY. CY has never talked to me about this. But it seems that everybody there including Johannes Chan has labelled..Whatever I suffer, I deserve it.公仔箱論壇2 x1 H8 U3 y0 n! Q

, @  q1 k4 [- P0 g0 |盧寵茂:相反地,他怪罪校委會成員包括我這名職員。我對於有人以這種…感到驚恐,我不想亂猜但我覺得真正的威脅是有人… 我要說的是他把他的政治論調帶進大學,因為… 政治意見,他可能認為我在這裡代表梁振英,我可以告訴你我不是梁粉。我是因為其他職員的支持而在這裡。我從未和梁振英談過。梁振英從未與我談過這件事。但看起來每個人,包括陳文敏都已(對我)貼標籤。無論我遭遇到什麼都是我活該% e% b1 G% L1 F* R! l

) b5 L1 O  d0 r. t9 j. T4 q  rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbPM: So my comment on that is I think you’ve taken things very personally, and I think we should keep things to factual discussion, and the purpose of the candidate. There’s no requirement in the job description for the candidate to express sympathy otherwise on anybody who is injured. I think you are putting post-event facts into this particular context, so the … I can’t speak for the Search Committee, Search Committee hasn’t met since 27 May, I can only speak as a Council Member, the events that happened since the Search Committee’s paper was written on 27 May, there have been many things written and said, a lot of opinions, I prefer to stick to the facts. And the facts that the Committee has to consider were the qualification and suitability for the post. I’ve already said at the start of the meeting that it’s my view that whilst none of the outcomes are attractive, to my mind, there will be less damage done for the University by the acception of the nomination ...TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 R4 R1 S! e  }

4 M: U( q) s' v. O馬斐森:我覺得你把事情看成是針對個人,我認為我們應該根據事實和候選人議題討論。職務說明中並不要求候選人對任何傷者表達慰問。我認為你將(選定候選人)事後的事件置入特定情境中,所以… 我不能代表物色委員會發言,物色委員會在5月27日後也未再開會,我只能以一個校委會成員的身分發言,在5月27日物色委員會報告寫定後,很多被書寫與談論的意見,我傾向緊跟事實。委員會必須考慮的事項是資格及是否適任這個職位。我在會議開始時已經說了,我的看法是,既然最後的結果都不會受歡迎,我心裡覺得,接受提名對學校造成的傷害會比較小…
【疑似港大錄音再三流出】商追究衝擊校委會學生 李國章:我可以告港大告學生
$ H3 d# a* _: k$ c- }1 |# Kwww2.tvboxnow.com
- l8 o5 Z) ~, j/ T0 z7 n. V+ ?www2.tvboxnow.com 3 p# q& y1 s2 d- v; ?6 P

7 l6 ?* C1 R! b7 t: y. I7 R; c編按:台灣網上討論區ptt,今日傍晚連續第二天流出懷疑是港大校委會會議錄音,校委討論追究學生在7月28日衝擊校委會議事件。文字記錄全文如下。& p1 `( E6 t" F$ b% X
公仔箱論壇: ^: L. V/ i6 U. k' K7 e
【港大】再有疑似香港大學校委會錄音流出 (26/Nov)
- {' J, h1 o2 V+ h% x# J- USteven J. Cannon: … We’ve got photographic evidence that backs a lot of this up, we’ve reviewed the videos… uh… there are a whole series of disturbing scenes… uh… we have been looking at what legal options might be available to us. Uh…
0 i& ], Q: ]) N, G" \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。康諾恩:我們有照片為證,是很有力的證明,我們也看過影像……裡面有一連串的滋事場面……我們也正研究可為我們所用的法律意見……。
8 Q8 p! p1 Q& d7 y3 Q* {) Ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
  o" @8 z) c* w+ G) S
2 ?, ?3 z& ^$ f$ [7 u公仔箱論壇Arthur Li Can I just ask is it possible from your system that we can identify the students involved?
# w1 Y% b; F# k- Q) itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb李國章:我想問,從你們的系統,我們有可能指認出參與事件的學生嗎?
) @! {! ?: H- v. YTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ n7 E# _0 x7 W' r
Steven J. Cannon: Certainly we can identify individuals… we can identify the presence of individuals. It’s what those individuals were doing. We believe that the number of potential offenses, disorder in public places, unlawful assembly, assault, false imprisonment, and nuisance committed in public places were all areas that if we chose collectively or individuals chose to pursue … that would be……, M6 p5 ?6 U0 k; [
+ \9 o! X4 y8 X5 p; o% q7 q* K! s4 O公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇* n6 Y) a  X& `# C7 U: a" A
Arthur Li: So you have evidence…
2 w* q3 {4 K! Z1 d7 @8 {3 Gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb李國章:所以你有證據…公仔箱論壇9 z0 m$ k! [9 d. m; |

& b+ z4 X* ^/ x$ k! ISteven J. Cannon: … we could gather evidence around that and we would look to do that. But at the moment we are not… we haven’t sought to do that. We are looking, really to get… sound, the …experiences… but we do have written evidence from our people. We have video and photographic evidence. We have video evidence.
' _1 g& G  ^6 b- g6 X- Z/ D康諾恩:我們可以全面收集證據,我們有可能這麼做。但是此時此刻我們並未……我們還沒有採取行動。我們正尋找…錄音…感受…,然而我們的人的確握有書面證據。我們有照片證據,我們有影像證據。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 g' V: T, E: \( W' l8 `; E( {* ~

; |7 q) b8 o! Vwww2.tvboxnow.comChairman: Leonie?
" T1 n. ^3 L4 X' v; u: u+ @, q6 J8 H% aTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。主席:紀文鳳?
+ E/ B6 X4 p* q7 z4 d公仔箱論壇TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。( d$ n- \1 w/ U$ W3 \
Leonie Ki: OK. I’d like to bring… uh chairman, I’d like to bring the situation to inform the council meeting of this on July the 28th, because I heard and it was possibly reported in the newspaper on the 27 or the 26 of July, that the student union chairman of HKU has announced that, if our re…,  their request was not mentioned, they would barge into the senate room.
( @1 \' l$ P! V8 Q; g' w紀文鳳:好的,主席,我想報告的是……我想提一個7月28日的狀況來提醒校委會,因為我聽說,香港大學學生會會長宣稱,如果不陳述他們的要求,學生就要衝入會議室,這在7月27日或者26日的報紙可能有報導。
6 o( r- m7 l. X  zTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
$ S! U3 v5 r) S- V/ FSo that’s why I tried talk to Dr. Chau, Dr. Albert Chau, and I said we should not let the students come into the senate room because it is really a sacred place for Hong Kong U, and besides, I also sent you this email that the safety and dignity of the council members should be guaranteed as well as the image of the university.
7 Q0 d$ ^5 o9 F7 x' V! C$ sTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。紀文鳳:所以我找了周博士,也就是周偉立博士,討論此事。我說,我們不該讓學生進入會議室,因為,這對香港大學而言是神聖的場所,再說,我也寄了這封電郵給主席,明白告知校委會成員的人身安全與尊嚴應受保障,港大的形象亦應受保障。www2.tvboxnow.com! U& H- p% m% v8 V

1 D- d1 Q' h. j* o+ ], Otvb now,tvbnow,bttvbBut then Albert told me not to worry, because our students are very obedient,very good. And I keep reminding him of the incidents on 818 and 812, is, uh,
( I7 `' @4 b* a" {1 V' P' Z9 othe reverse, you know, because we also have other students from otheruniversities.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 `8 t. k; }- p
紀文鳳:但周博士要我別擔心,因為我們的學生很守規矩,很好。我還一直提醒他,818事件與812事件恰恰相反,因為現場還有其他大學的學生。+ M* Z( x6 S( f4 W$ L9 J2 T

3 }8 p5 O5 c8 v, S3 _Having said that, uh, it is, uh, because I… my request is, because they already warned us of barging into the senate, I wonder why we still let them come into the 10th floor, because, they already give us a warning, we should not allow them to come onto the 10th floor. And I think that we, instead of coming here, we should be still having our meeting over there, instead of trying to be scared, because what we should do is warned the students or whatever downstairs.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 A; ^" t! f9 G7 Y
" {6 e  L; T3 ?! p( i% Jwww2.tvboxnow.com
# e4 v5 T& p9 t+ `, Rwww2.tvboxnow.comAnd I also heard later on, that from the pan-democrats, they said that 13 people, the alumni, the Legco, they too have an agreement to… stay downstairs, whereas… students go upstairs. So then, it’s so chaotic because it is really like what Steve has reported, is organized and is also orchestrated. And I think we should be protected because we already heard of this alert, and we should take warning, you know.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! R% d* ]3 t/ O6 ~* t( {% J2 B
8 B; ~: p) C4 F* L8 d% h2 Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
- |) r7 q# q( i; W2 \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Chairman: Steve, I would answer several questions after you tell us why students barged …up to the 10th floor?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ ]# {/ ^9 Y% @4 S
; ?1 y$ V, T# ^; o% P  W* Q. a! C, P7 m' P/ o+ u
Steven J. Cannon: We were following essentially the… 818 guidance and protocols that have been established… and there have been several protocols,I agree that there had been a threat to enter the council. (Leonie Ki: it’s a threat announced…) There had been several protests on, several council meetings running up to, to where we have quite a significant number of people on the 10th floor.www2.tvboxnow.com5 e4 a* I' j. H& [8 ^% r
6 i" w3 f9 w: c. bwww2.tvboxnow.com
: \: X6 w- C8 B9 A, L, Y4 c3 u2 P公仔箱論壇I think that we had a strong sense that the students would enter the council chamber. I think what we expected we also had a strong sense that would happen at the end, towards the end of the meeting after the vote on a particular…uh, uh, item was taken. But the view was that they would enter in a reasonable manner and that the chairman would adjourn the meeting and general meeting (Chairman: if they don’t leave) if they don’t leave, we6 ~' i+ [; l4 e' _- C+ W1 \
would appeal to them to leave, and the chairman would adjourn the meeting and then there would be an element of calm. What we didn’t expect was he level of verbal abuse and physical abuse that took place and that’s what we hadn’t anticipated.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 S3 c9 ?/ |4 t" V! e( y
- `+ O9 D& [4 @( q. MTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! d: j  j) T2 v1 v
And that suggests to us that we need to revisit the original agreement if you like, which wasn’t an agreement, the original protocol with our students about allowing zone demonstration areas, about close access to the council members which came out of the 818 incident.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' v' Z+ b4 P# `- a5 ~; a
康諾恩:這提醒了我們—如果你們同意的話—我們得重新審視818事件後,我們跟學生訂定的原本的協議,其實那不是協議而是禮儀,包括可以在哪裡示威、跟校務委員保持何種距離等。www2.tvboxnow.com5 U3 W9 ^0 I& v) Q) T& g; d
' x5 V0 O+ t' r4 ?8 \. Y
Chairman: I don't mean to intervene… this moment, first of all, we are now facing three problems, first of all is improving our so called security safety for… visit the council meetings. Going back to a more decent meeting place, as I mentioned at the start, this is… a makeshift issue, this university …  a decent meeting place, for council, senate, and Court … EVP… service unit… in this week, to seek out of a possible way to have a more decent meeting.
1 d6 B  N) }0 u$ G主席:我無意打斷……。首先,我們眼前有三個難題,第一是要改善我們對於…參訪與委員會開會的保安措施。我開頭就說了,回去更好的地點開會一事,這只是權宜之計,這所大學沒有像樣的開會場所,供校委會、教委會、校董會…、副校長等等之用,應該找出一個可能的方式,讓我們可以舉行更體面的會議。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" u/ ^' x) a0 r2 Y8 C7 P( I7 S
公仔箱論壇5 n, |( l" M. W
One of the things that I am suggesting, is that, still … council, uh, senate chamber, but we want to make sure that there’s another door that members can leave should the only existing door be barricaded and somebody toss a firebomb or something on it……. I’m very, very strong that ... defend … we need a proper meeting place and not just a makeshift thing.www2.tvboxnow.com2 Y1 h3 s, ~. W) x
5 ?. F: P2 [) T6 ^4 O- _8 }
" i3 N: |; n0 m# ~& Pwww2.tvboxnow.comPoint number two is that the whole movement was based on the protocol decided on… obviously… said that needs to be changed as a result of this one
) a9 U' F! i9 _) A# KTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。incident. The reason that is safety and security in… to come. I want to bring up two points. One is that there are evidence and we have actually received complaints that students eventually involved in barging into the senate chamber… students while down in the car park, etc. or others… people from outside… central or other… from both side… there was a lot of controversies. Now we’ve identified students that…and take actions… would be an issue perhaps the Vice Chancellor… accept…
1 W( y5 k* i' |主席:第二個重點是,整個抗議活動是基於(818事件之後的)禮儀規範而進行,…說了,在這次事件之後,這套規範需要改變。原因在於安全與防護。我有兩件事要講:第一,證據是有的,而且我們的確收到投訴指稱有學生涉及闖入會議室的事件…學生在停車場等地,其他人則是… 有很多爭議。現在我們已經認出學生…採取行動…這會是一個問題,也許校長…接受…! c2 M. r" w, K6 A6 h& H8 U) m  u
www2.tvboxnow.com+ v  w. _3 P. E( {6 \/ C
Arthur Li: That would be against one student…
3 ~$ E' g" y2 {; A( f+ ]5 F李國章:那不就只針對某個學生了……
6 N8 _' C1 h& {www2.tvboxnow.com
# u6 j/ S  ^" u1 qwww2.tvboxnow.comChairman: Because by protocol…
6 x7 P+ O( }  {: I; X5 P0 M$ x公仔箱論壇主席:基於禮儀規範……tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! E9 n2 Z% A# r( C
+ C; a8 i" h: Z5 x# i& E
Arthur Li: There still one student…
. \  g0 z. o4 o# |* v  tTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。李國章:還有一個學生…
5 O8 _3 x/ ~( `' K9 j% X, J( atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
! [& F4 R% `7 K" h  ~6 PChairman: This is , this is just the starting point … somebody complained
% R7 A3 |) i1 [' k- O% L( Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbone student…
% o- S. }0 l' u# |% E3 jTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。主席:這只是開端……有人投訴,有一名學生……
  @. {/ e# D: ?& c" W* H公仔箱論壇www2.tvboxnow.com  F, j0 T8 q$ A: Z$ z. @0 x
Arthur Li: I mean, I mean, I mean…I don’t know the name of the student…$ x, W% h0 u8 w& m4 z
2 P) ?/ z. t$ K( P' Y) eTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
3 y7 ?" C+ o; CChairman: I would, I would advise…! j. C& C+ J) R* y
" ~% }# v8 X6 w2 ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
/ v6 R6 H6 X3 M5 k+ I/ ETVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Arthur Li: May I, may I, may I suggest this, chairman, let this be passed to the meeting…, to identify the students involved to face disciplinary actions, has to report back to the council(?)… for more actions… (Chairman: … accepting reporting… to see if we agree with the actions or not…because I ’m … giving a very clear message… I… If we do not do it properly, any council member can take civil actions against the students, against this council, OK?5 j: [6 H5 L; s( ?, y( f
李國章:可否容我提議,主席,把這件事移交給…會議去找出涉及此事的學生,讓涉及此事的學生面對處分,而且必須向委員會回報… 採取更多行動… (主席:… 接受報告…)… 以了解我們是否同意採取行動… 因為我表達的意思很明確,如果我們的做法不恰當,任何一個校委會委員都可以針對學生、針對校委會提出民事訴訟。懂嗎?公仔箱論壇- L3 H2 k, t! A% \. [
' x6 R8 _; W: y; q
Because you are not protecting the council member…tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 M$ @8 S# i2 R. O# a
. T: a6 |' v' A* [4 {- B& P5 E2 {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
7 m3 h' c% `( v' m; A9 j  ]2 tChairman: That is what I am…
9 v: \# v8 w. X, ~$ Z主席:這就是我所……
4 N. R# B- h' Y# ]
( J  K1 J& S5 AArthur Li: I can take civil actions against University of Hong Kong. I can take criminal actions against the students but I can also……
0 l1 H/ I1 F/ P公仔箱論壇李國章:我可以對香港大學提出民事訴訟,我可以對學生提出刑事訴訟,但我也可以……
& P5 P; }! N( L+ v& c; r  X  Pwww2.tvboxnow.com- y- P# C( |- x% T1 \
Chairman: I am not disagreeing… What I’m saying is that… There is already a receipt of one complaint of…tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& C  A0 P/ K) S3 C
1 j+ I# ]' D+ U& f2 t' p/ J) A9 g( I( Q
Arthur Li: Yeah I don’t want to…
4 t/ R1 ^' M! L, t5 P李國章:我不想…
9 q; @' L2 l. bwww2.tvboxnow.comtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' Z: t7 r3 M1 ^. _9 }$ O
Chairman:…one beginning…
" X* {5 P% ]* d, q5 x# f- R7 t主席:……開始……
% ~! p, I5 i' Rwww2.tvboxnow.comwww2.tvboxnow.com/ l5 v- N$ c" F( h4 U" i
Arthur Li: Yeah but it’s not fair to single out one student……TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. y& ^; F7 V9 f7 C: S8 v& O
李國章:是,但只針對單一學生並不公平……www2.tvboxnow.com% r0 ~% w: E0 Q' z8 d9 D4 V% t' ]
. Z& `( n0 J6 ^/ T
Chairman: Next thing…would be… all over the facebook… identify other5 x/ C. A1 o8 }$ N
3 k) @3 [8 T' R+ H9 C" t$ L: t主席:下一步會是……臉書全面……找出其他學生……
7 k$ y' m* R% _2 Q( V# Rwww2.tvboxnow.com
5 T5 l* `3 z; f# uwww2.tvboxnow.comArthur Li: Have we accepted.. the…report?公仔箱論壇# l4 c2 t  i- }3 a. \1 Z0 P: F% u
李國章:我們是否已經接受…報告?+ k6 u- F4 D# v; _$ N9 X' a; P/ v

: q8 D7 K" [5 Z" j% wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbChairman: Yes
% W' U9 h* `! X# W$ X主席:是的6 y! P! g+ c' T+ K, g+ b

$ F7 ^  g2 K+ m6 }8 Z4 ~  b9 z; Y; `公仔箱論壇Arthur Li:…and then ask… to deal with the consequences thereof…www2.tvboxnow.com: E, R  O) T+ ?( n. V
7 I/ N& {/ i' d; R" a, M8 A公仔箱論壇% Y$ F+ K' D. Y& b) G
Chairman: Oh that’s basically what it is.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; V7 P+ ?, N4 P) A, ^1 |
主席:原則上是如此。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" W3 U" V4 @' \2 z7 \
9 _, I* K6 o: `3 }' H
Steven J. Cannon: The issue is yet between student discipline and general public offence, if you like. The student discipline under the ordinance of statute that students dedicated… a complaint has to be raised within twenty-eight days of an incident, and it has to be specific… and we have had one complaint and that goes to the Vice-Chancellor, and then....
2 a6 y  k$ m" b, kwww2.tvboxnow.com康諾恩:你們大概同意,問題大概是介乎學生行動和妨礙公安罪兩者之間,大學條例和大學的規程中有關學生紀律的條款訂明…投訴必須在事件發生二十八天之內提出,且內容要具體明確……我們已經收到一則投訴,也已送交校長了,接下來……
本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2015-11-27 08:07 AM 編輯
2 h# y# e; l- Y: e1 Otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
' ~+ {$ ^6 u+ E* O- `www2.tvboxnow.com再現疑似校委錄音 商追究衝擊學生 李國章:我可以告港大告學生 梁智鴻:要防被擲燃燒彈! G3 Z1 N1 L! `* @) w% r
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) M+ c3 @" x0 d7 ]! j3 S; f7 x
www2.tvboxnow.com( s! M/ V$ v* j: R8 o& U0 P
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 |2 E4 U0 b  ?5 Y# h5 r
4 G* J2 `$ L# P& J; C. Q" Jwww2.tvboxnow.comtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. g3 J* k$ k# E0 s
  x2 }) [5 b. W3 c9 e# jwww2.tvboxnow.com在PTT流出的錄音中,疑為校委會主席梁智鴻者則指,7月28日當日的資料在facebook上隨處可見,可以憑此認出其他學生。他又稱,會議室應有另一道門讓校委離開,以防有人堵塞唯一出口或投擲燃燒彈(firebomb)。) h! S" |. B- I3 Z, I6 N) n- K
! I: s3 A! W) N% ?: }' p% P
錄音中疑為李國章者,問副校長康諾恩,校方是否掌握7月28日學生衝入校委會的「證據」,是否能籍此認出參與行動的學生,但疑為康諾恩者表示校方可以搜集證據,亦已掌握一些證據,但當前不打算搜集更多證據。+ v, r( @; K5 X* S; Q2 [+ k1 w

$ M) C3 o3 B( w' p, G- P0 o( o疑為梁智鴻者又表示,收到針對事件中一名學生的投訴,而疑為李國章認為只針對一名學生不公平,建議認出更多參與行動的學生,予以紀律處分,並回報校委會考慮進一步行動,強調若校委會不妥善處理事件,任何校委都可以對學生及校委會,採取民事法律行動。
5 i% u/ ~7 i1 u0 _. a. Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
- j+ U- u2 G  {9 s+ Iwww2.tvboxnow.com疑為李國章又批評,梁智鴻沒有保護校委,指自己可向港大提出民事、對學生提出民事訴訟。www2.tvboxnow.com5 r  B9 d5 f2 t5 T0 H
# d* l" k# W3 G) e3 bTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 [" O7 y' K9 ?3 Z
4400港大舊生投票 98%認為李國章不適合任校委會主席2015/11/29
5 F. P9 i; k& I" u9 G
0 Q& b0 \8 w8 p公仔箱論壇
* O) B6 q- D/ Z* I: twww2.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇+ P8 I8 c; s4 C; [  Y: i
9 [- W+ [2 H; E- x7 p5 T8 e; hTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* _3 e. |8 Y( V
港大畢業生議會宣布,於今天舉行的特別會議,共錄得 4,454 會員投票,結果顯示有98%(即4356票)贊成李國章不適合出任校委會主席的議案,而反對票僅有25票。96%贊成披露9月29日校委會會議內容是符合公眾利益,及港大「吹哨者政策」的精神,而96%投票對校委會前主席梁智鴻及反對物色委員會推薦人選的校委表示不信任。所有5項議案均過半數票贊成,故所有議案均獲得通過。www2.tvboxnow.com% |* j" W9 ^$ f7 [$ ~4 e6 D3 G
: o# ]2 v5 P0 o
2(a) 畢業生議會對於校務委員會在 2015 年 9 月 29 日否決物色委員會就副校長(學術及人事資源)的任命建議(「決定」)並拒絕向畢業生議會及公眾提供合理的理據表示極度遺憾。
) o0 G, I  ?9 ~- N贊成:4308票 反對:70票公仔箱論壇4 C: e) ?7 ]5 ~* B- H5 b% `) @% |
2(b) 香港大學校務委員會需要在上述議案通過後的 14 天內公佈當中牽涉的理據和相關事實以支持其「決定」是符合大學最佳長遠利益的說法。! e  e# z; ~1 H, ?3 B' W; Y0 x( A( S
贊成:4345票 反對:42票www2.tvboxnow.com& |6 @0 U# u" Z2 N# H& G
3. 畢業生議會認為校務委員會成員就披露在 9 月 29 日會議中導致上述決定相關的討論內容是符合公眾利益和香港大學「吹哨者政策」的精神。公仔箱論壇% @* T' d% Z5 D" \) C- w) k7 s) u
贊成:4281票 反對:62票
6 o4 h( D; L; ]0 ZTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4. 畢業生議會對校務委員會主席梁智鴻醫生,以及在投票中反對物色委員會之建議的校務委員表示不信任。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' o5 F7 ~6 H5 Z& D; n; z
贊成:4282票 反對:51票
/ ]. X4 d3 J7 Q, {5. 畢業生議會認為李國章教授因不能取得大學教職員、學生和校友的信任、信心和尊重而不適合出任香港大學校務委員會的主席。公仔箱論壇) L3 ]' h& {9 c0 z% A8 V, J
贊成:4356票 反對:25票) I* O$ j- m$ j" u; A. L
【原文】www2.tvboxnow.com8 ^9 F4 t7 H6 S) q/ l
公仔箱論壇3 G& c' Y7 x4 X
. x! d: \% X+ [9 h) c3 I  w
1 Z( v& i5 ^- [: ^& [7 G! }  Q2 U3 ZTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。對於今次遞交授權票,需要附具簽署的身份證副本,被指不便,亦令授權票的票數較9月投票時的6千票大減,溫頌安表示,授權機制是按上一次特別會員大會的經驗改良,設置路障之說並不成立,對今次的投票人數,他表示相當滿意 。公仔箱論壇! j, R/ C/ l7 J5 G2 ~9 K

. ^9 o6 o# H0 e7 g港大關注組召集人葉建源表示,票數較9月時的9000人少了一半,相信是因為上次投票後,校方的回應並不積極,令舊生覺得沒有效果。他又認為,投票在周日舉行,也是因素之一。
港大校委泄密風波 法院只接受記協加入訴訟TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 Q! B" \) `, R5 A& a

) s6 p% E( m' Q8 @) bwww2.tvboxnow.com
1 u' ?3 N* T1 n( Y8 x7 V; \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。公仔箱論壇0 A. ]) b( x/ U- k4 u3 i& `7 M0 j! w. ~
港大校委會早前爆出泄密風波,法院頒下臨時禁制令,禁止商台及相關人士披露今年6月30日至11月6日期間,港大校委會會議的內容,及後港大與商台和解。高等法院今日頒下判詞,下令延續禁制令直至案件日後正式審訊,同時只接受記者協會加入訴訟。3 G6 ^) o7 H4 y+ q

( y+ q: ~* T- n* Bwww2.tvboxnow.com港大學生會刊物《學苑》編輯劉以正、香港記者協會,及《蘋果日報》三方,早前都要求加入訴訟,成為案件中的獨立人士。三方之前向法庭呈交了聯合陳詞,主要引用《基本法》,認為新聞自由不應受侵犯,而且今次港大風波涉及政府資助最多的學院,不應阻止媒體報道及妨礙公眾知情權。* ~- t5 l7 G4 D7 M
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& q5 z1 g+ G. b* x
不過法官林雲浩今頒下判詞,指該禁制令不是針對《蘋果日報》或《學苑》,亦沒有證據顯示洩密人,有意將有關資料向兩者洩露,因此《蘋果日報》及《學苑》在此案中,與全世界人的角色一樣,最終拒絕讓《學苑》及《蘋果日報》加入訴訟。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, W9 E: q0 \) g+ f9 b" ~
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ K) W; d! s' F# @5 t' e